Well, you have implemented the way to change FOV, without questioning about realism of the thing, this will clearly a buff for ranged.
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loginActually with a default FOV of 75° zoom give a ×1.5 :
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loginAnd now with a FOV of 55° zoom give a ×3.4 :
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loginI already know the settings for archers : 55° for first person as a super scope like in COD, and 100° as third person to avoid cavs/infs = profit!!
I see only 3 ways :
1 - Keep it as it is and be sure that at release there will be a massive rage
2 - Force to use the same FOV value for first as for third, this mean you have to balance to a gameplay between full tunnel vision or alien vision. A better way to balance class use.
3 - Remove it completely and stay at 75°
NB : I'm inf, not cav