Shogun (Leader) - Rank 8
Joshu Daimyo (Lord of a castle) -Rank 7
Mujo Daimyo (Lord with out a castle)- Rank 6
Koshogumi (1st Rank Retainer) - Rank 5
Churo (2nd Rank Retainer) - Rank 4
Umamawari (3rd Rank Retainer) - Rank 3
Tomokosho (Personal Attendant)- Rank 2
Koyakunin (Guardsman) - Rank 1
Rank descriptions:
Koyakunin: A gate gaurd. The first rank given to you and requires no skill.
Tomokosho: A personal attendant. Given to you once you have been in the clan for 2 weeks. At this rank you will be asked whether or not you will be foot or cav and assigned to the officer that matches
Umamawari: A 3rd rank retainer. To gain this rank you must duel a samurai with the rank of Churo or higher while the officer in charge of you is watching. You don't have to win but must satisfy your officer. You now have the right to wear 2 swords if you wish.
Churo: A 2nd rank retainer. To gain this rank you must impress your officer in battle and he will award you with the promotion. Also may apply to become personal bodyguard of a daimyo or the shogun.
Koshogumi: A 1st rank retainer. This is the primary officer rank. It can only be given to you by the daimyo ranks or the Shogun himself. You will now command samurai and will be incharge of their behavior in game and on the forums. You need to pay attention to the forum and practice formations with those under your command.
Mujo Daimyo: The highest officer ranking without owning land in strat. Given to you by the Shogun. In charge the officers under you and making sure they are paying attention to the forums and their men.
Joshu Daimyo: The highest officer rank. Gained by having land in strat that was given to you by the shogun. Same duties as the Mujo Daimyo.
Shogun: The leader of Red Lotus.
Special TitlesKyodai (Shogun's Sibling)
Kensei (Legendary Duelist)
Battousai (Legendary Manslayer)
Metsuke (Apprehended a Master Ninja)