Heavy butt armor being too effective is just the module in general, which is obviously going to translate over to Strategus as people will be able to craft the things they wear often. As long as we're able to obtain gear for our armies based on cRPG, or as long as armor is as ridiculously effective in normal play as it is, we'll continue to see these kind of plate monster armies on the the fields of Calradia given enough peacetime to raise the gold for the endeavor. I'd imagine most factions would see that kind of positive handicap as pretty alluring if victory is their goal.
The fog thing is, well. No accounting for weather! It's unfortunate that it worked out like that, and even more so that it worked kind of randomly so that a few folks on each side were without it while the rest of us were lost in a nightmarish hell of ohgodwherearethey.
All about the number of clubs, Beeper, you know that man.