Really really shit marketing and moderating. I'm really not pissed about it, but people need to realize the importance of integrity, and a solid business model.
Global Agenda might've been a decent game if they didn't promise the same MMO bullshit, and expect people to pay a 1 time full cost for the game itself, and then 15 a month for the fucking AvA (clan vs clan seasonal territory thing). Then a month later say oh wait shit, people aren't buying this, lets consider P2P for EVERYONE, lose their playerbase, get bombed to shit with terrible reviews, and then finally decide, well we fucked up, lets just sell booster packs as microtransactions.
When I saw the game on steam, it was seriously a shitstorm. Kinda makes your blood boil, and what makes it seem like a scam, is they want to reward the original buyers of the game, and then they try to release it far discounted the very next day. Sure, I get all the characters unlocked, but when did they ever outline that that's where my money was going? The in-game price to unlock a character is set at a completely unreachable limit right now of like 150kxp on one character, when my characters have about 6k collectively.
Surely they have to talk about these things. What feels like utter betrayal might honestly be that Titov is really just that god damn stupid.
I feel like I got my money's worth already: had a couple honorable run-ins, got jumped by 3 bandits, and me and my surviving friend took em out with an AA12. 3 more guys came in to reclaim their shit, maybe it was the same 3 guys who logged in armed alts in the area, or they had clan members server hop the area - also got dropped by me being a camping bundle of sticks in the police station. Beating M16 dudes with flashlights on a really lucky spawn. Its a pile of nonsense, yeah, and they still have 2 pistols with no ammo spawns, and that absolutely outrageous falling damage bug on a slope. Save your money, or join with a few solid friends and don't go in with high expectations.