Me and a RL friend have been having a ton of fun on War Z, a few deaths but we've killed a whole bunch of players, most of which produce tears. There really is no reason to be co-operative in this game right now, even running as a group of 2 food can become scarce at times when you end up in crazy firefights and people all over are looting shit, you cannot trust anyone. So naturally we just shoot everyone we find, unarmed? then badluck because you're still getting shot. My favourite is when I kill bandits and they proceed to cry and rage over chat, especially this one guy, apparently because he didn't have his gun in his hands and I sprayed him in the chest with my M4 from 2 metres away it makes me a noob?
thanks for the loot buddy, don't run around buildings making a shit ton of noise without a weapon at hand.
Once they start adding more stuff to the game I can imagine there might be more reason to co-operate with people, will be fun. I also don't care what anyone says about this vs Day Z, I would rather play this than play anything on that shitcunt ArmA engine, where it feels like you are controlling a physically disabled character who is trying to swin through syrup.