I carry 2 weapons and wear a dress, which is a downgrade from my transitional armor and full loadout. Thats fine. I'd carry only one weapon but I need a pike for obvious reasons. Since the patch, I have been on the losing team probably 75% of the time. I regularly go 0-4 on a map because of this. I have no control over this. I am barely able to maintain the gold I have, forget about getting more. Plus the more a team loses, the worse it gets because they start spawning naked and looting weapons off the field, thus losing again. You can tell people to play as a team and all that shit but let's not be naive here. This is team deathmatch and no one in the history of team deathmatch can ever get everyone to play together in some military precision for any period of time. A round here and there maybe but thats it. And the teams winning now are not playing as a team either. THey are just lucky enough to have the top players and/or players with horses and know how to use them. It's still the same 4-5 top guys carrying the whole team. If you're lucky and get on their team, welcome to the gravy train of 5x xp and gold, even if you can't hit the side of a barn with your sword.
If I kill one person per round, but my team loses, do I still get item decay? Because that is the only thing I have some control over. But if I can go 20-0(I don't cuz I suck) and my team still loses four times, something is messed up.