Author Topic: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.  (Read 5592 times)

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Offline AirPhforce

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2011, 11:38:07 pm »
We will see...I will buy plated charger after some time. :rolleyes:

Horses don't have an upkeep, which is why you see so many.

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2011, 11:47:05 pm »
I, for one, love seeing people using light-medium armors finally, and I'm not going to lament the death of the "Plate/SoT or Poleaxe/Sniperxbow" loadouts.

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2011, 11:48:01 pm »
Actually I still use a bardiche and sniper xbow and i'm making gold not losing :P

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2011, 11:52:40 pm »
The problem is that the modifier makes it seem like your losing shitloads because if you're on a low modifier, it means you're losing and so your equipment is breaking. The low modifier compounds this because it gives you such a small amount of gold. However a relatively small amount of time on a high modifier has the opposite effect: your equipment doesnt break since you're winning and you get loads of gold (250 per minute!!!).

When i started playing today i went about 3 maps without getting a modifier above 2x and i lost about 4-5 thousand using medium tier stuff (Cuir Bouilli, long hafted blade, knightly heather shield) i then got 5 times modifier for 3 rounds (plus the build up to the 5x) and i made up my lost gold easily plus a little bit more.

Overall tonight using the above equipment and occasionally a palfrey i've made about 10k gold. Give it time and dont use high tier equipment and you'll find you do actually make gold.

Offline Zophos

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2011, 12:04:09 am »
So emm, let me get this straight. Horses have no upkeep currently...?

Offline YIT_Lanka

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2011, 12:24:11 am »
So emm, let me get this straight. Horses have no upkeep currently...?
Who knows.. Ask in-game and infantry tells you they're free while cavalry insist on horses having upkeep costs if they die in battle..

All I know is that friend never had to pay for his Destrier dieing in combat so.. :/

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2011, 01:10:06 am »
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Offline Zophos

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2011, 01:25:31 am »
Hmm... I wonder if I should buy the elephant then. I really want it but I cba to waiste 64k gold on something I can't use, that's still hours and hours of time wasted.

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2011, 01:31:47 am »
I am playing with 22k gear, and have no problem maintaining it, slowly gaining gold.
Do you use an item more than once? If so, the decay check is per item selected, not per item. (3 stacks of throwing lances? it checks 3 times if it will break)
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Offline MrNicklebe

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2011, 01:41:23 am »
Started the day with 20k, bought 15k of gear to replace my plate. Went up to 20k in a few hours again easily then back down to around 9k for some time then back up to 22k where i stayed for the rest of the day. Bit if a rollercoaster but i'm in the profit at the end of my play session!

So seems fine to me! I'm not really missing plate armour tbh either.

Offline AirPhforce

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2011, 02:34:45 am »
I am playing with 22k gear, and have no problem maintaining it, slowly gaining gold.

Come back when you get unlucky. It's a horrible feeling to be broke because the gods of the RNG hate you after one match loss.

Offline Kung Fu Jesus

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2011, 05:59:45 am »
I carry 2 weapons and wear a dress, which is a downgrade from my transitional armor and full loadout. Thats fine. I'd carry only one weapon but I need a pike for obvious reasons. Since the patch, I have been on the losing team probably 75% of the time. I regularly go 0-4 on a map because of this. I have no control over this. I am barely able to maintain the gold I have, forget about getting more. Plus the more a team loses, the worse it gets because they start spawning naked and looting weapons off the field, thus losing again. You can tell people to play as a team and all that shit but let's not be naive here. This is team deathmatch and no one in the history of team deathmatch can ever get everyone to play together in some military precision for any period of time. A round here and there maybe but thats it. And the teams winning now are not playing as a team either. THey are just lucky enough to have the top players and/or players with horses and know how to use them. It's still the same 4-5 top guys carrying the whole team. If you're lucky and get on their team, welcome to the gravy train of 5x xp and gold, even if you can't hit the side of a barn with your sword.

If I kill one person per round, but my team loses, do I still get item decay? Because that is the only thing I have some control over. But if I can go 20-0(I don't cuz I suck) and my team still loses four times, something is messed up.
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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2011, 06:20:58 am »
it could be possible to be a bug to some people paying much than waht they are expected too. Everyone should be able to gain shitload of gold with a 20K equipment
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Offline AirPhforce

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2011, 07:53:08 am »
I carry 2 weapons and wear a dress, which is a downgrade from my transitional armor and full loadout. Thats fine. I'd carry only one weapon but I need a pike for obvious reasons. Since the patch, I have been on the losing team probably 75% of the time. I regularly go 0-4 on a map because of this. I have no control over this. I am barely able to maintain the gold I have, forget about getting more. Plus the more a team loses, the worse it gets because they start spawning naked and looting weapons off the field, thus losing again. You can tell people to play as a team and all that shit but let's not be naive here. This is team deathmatch and no one in the history of team deathmatch can ever get everyone to play together in some military precision for any period of time. A round here and there maybe but thats it. And the teams winning now are not playing as a team either. THey are just lucky enough to have the top players and/or players with horses and know how to use them. It's still the same 4-5 top guys carrying the whole team. If you're lucky and get on their team, welcome to the gravy train of 5x xp and gold, even if you can't hit the side of a barn with your sword.

If I kill one person per round, but my team loses, do I still get item decay? Because that is the only thing I have some control over. But if I can go 20-0(I don't cuz I suck) and my team still loses four times, something is messed up.

Pretty much. When I log onto a server and do that first round of "spec" I find myself checking who is on the other team. When it's "Plate_Charger XIX" and "Black Armor XXVI", both going 40 and 0 and on the enemy team, I just spawn naked and throw rocks. I'll do this until I have a team that at least looks even. Why bother paying? I can't beat them before they kill half my team. I can't afford to try either.

Offline Kalam

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Re: Went from 18k gold to 12k gold, in 5 rounds. I had 12k in gear on.
« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2011, 08:08:31 am »
I played with cloth armour and a fast 2H and random polearm before the patch and currently play with a langes messer (usually in 2H mode) and a pike. I don't seem to notice much of a difference- except the first map I played, when I was annoyed by the fact that there were medium armoured folk outrunning me. And then I levelled and all was good with the world.

So far I've gained about 12k, and most of that was with a population of 20 on the server in about two hours. I'm sitting on 140k. o.O

I guess the biggest difference is that it seems harder for me to take on multiple opponents, but that seems to be fading back to normal, too.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 08:09:54 am by Kalam »