I'd like to see strategus as "rounds" being played like a game of Risk or Crusader Kings 2, where a round would last three to four months and clans have to compete to get in the top-whatever highest score. Scores determined by ammount of fiefs owned, gold amassed, battles fought and the resulting losses.
For those who have played Crusader Kings, you know that the end score is based largely on acumulated prestige. Thus events like capturing a fief or fighting a battle while suffering little casualies would add points to your tab.
The winners of a round would obviously get bragging rights, but in order to avoid huge alliances there could be an added bonus to crpg, the more playeres in your faction/alliance the lesser the effect of your bonus as it is spread out accross more people.
Whats the whole point of this idea? That strategus become less static, less camping and hoarding, that well esthablished power houses get rewarded for their efforts, but then the board gets wiped and a new round begins (like a board game), giving all clans the opportunity to start afresh with a new strategy or approach.
Anyway, my 2 cents.
Take care