I know you dont draw him and I even know the reason. That doesnt mean that "infidels" are not allowed to either. I dont believe in any God so I am allowed to draw pictures all day long.
Afaik Islam demands to strive for more knowledge. More knowledge includes the understanding of other cultures. I still have to see those embassy burners to strive for the knowledge about western culture where making fun of things doesnt necessarily mean a disrepect of the matter.
It's not about being "allowed to" if i have a pencil and a piece of paper what's gonna stop me for drawing him ?
Allah gonna send lightning strikes to stop me ?
I don't believe in supernatural things,afterlife and creation blabla in any religion . Its unrealistic fantasy tale for me yet i do follow main rules which are common for all religions.Don't steal , don't rape , don't kill etc. I do believe that religions are good for overall world populace.If someone is not killing me or raping my daughter etc just because he fears punishments in afterlife , so be it . It's good.
No one has to believe in anything but everyone should respect all kind of beliefs in my opinion.
About burning ambassadors etc...
It's not that arabs are so hardcore muslims.
Thats their classic reaction to anything.
During world war 1 , while Ottoman Empire was getting shattered , Sultan declared Jihad against invaders.
Guess what arabs done ?
They sold out their Sultan who is also their Caliph, for English and French coin.
Ah and of course for their "Independant Arab States" dream promised by englishmen.
Promise an illitrate peasant freedom and money and see what they can do for you.
They drew borders with rulers without giving a single fuck about ethnicity , religious diversity , national resources and culture thats why middle-east is a battlefield for last 100 years.There are too many reasons to hate , and too many governments to see arabs fight each other.So that they can "bring democracy and freedom" to middle-east again.
Allahuakbar means "Allah is great " .
Thats what arabs yell while killing an innocent USA ambassador.
Thats what arabs yell while killing their muslim leader colonel ghaddafi
Thats what arabs yell while killing other muslim citizens in Syria
Thats what arabs yell while suicide bombing in market and killing over 100 innocents
Arabs certainly know nothing about Islam.Actually they don't know anything .
Thats the main problem.No education at all and constant war.
So now don't tell me Muslims are terrorists because arabs can't stand watching a movie that insults islam.
They weren't terrorists under Ottoman Empire's rule , they weren't terrorists under Mamluke Sultanate .
They became terrorists when western states gave them their "freedom and democracy".
Don't blame arabs for their actions today.
Blame UK,USA and France .