Author Topic: upkeep costs vs. new players  (Read 521 times)

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upkeep costs vs. new players
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:41:49 am »

Being that the CRPG team is trying to encourage community expansion, I was going to hand in some feedback from the current upkeep system. A friend and I have been playing for about a month or so and we've found it very difficult to make money in general... Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm probably gonna be told that I have too expensive of gear but let me put things in perspective:

I wear-
peasantish clothes (gambeson body armor/leather gloves/cheap hat/black cheap boots)
horn bow
tartar arrows/bodkin arrows
liuyedao (I switched from the steel pick because it kept breaking so much)

He and I seem to have to repair at least 200-400 gold worth of shit PER ROUND(ish). He plays a 2h knight build so it makes sense that he would have to have upkeep problems, but I shouldn't be having anything near that. I had 12k two days ago and now it seems to have vanished from my frequent repairs. Isn't that a little bit silly? Shouldn't there be a certain amount of time given before a weapon can break? I'd really like to keep playing but I feel like this kind of upkeep is unreasonable.

Maybe we've both been going through a period of bad luck, but the devs should consider limiting /this much/ upkeep drain.

...sorry if I'm ignorant.

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Re: upkeep costs vs. new players
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 04:44:43 am »
Relevant: If you win a round you should get no repair fees

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Re: upkeep costs vs. new players
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 04:53:33 am »
More WPF in the weapons your using will lessen the rate of upkeep

But you should had been here around 2011 upkeep was a bitch.

what your character name ill fund ya 10k to help you out
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Re: upkeep costs vs. new players
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2012, 05:07:40 am »
Malevolent... I would really appreciate that. I don't have any wpf in one handed because I'm a dedicated archer build, so I suppose using a steel pickaxe is completely out of the question

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Re: upkeep costs vs. new players
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2012, 05:48:01 am »

Being that the CRPG team is trying to encourage community expansion, I was going to hand in some feedback from the current upkeep system. A friend and I have been playing for about a month or so and we've found it very difficult to make money in general... Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm probably gonna be told that I have too expensive of gear but let me put things in perspective:

I wear-
peasantish clothes (gambeson body armor/leather gloves/cheap hat/black cheap boots)
horn bow
tartar arrows/bodkin arrows
liuyedao (I switched from the steel pick because it kept breaking so much)

He and I seem to have to repair at least 200-400 gold worth of shit PER ROUND(ish). He plays a 2h knight build so it makes sense that he would have to have upkeep problems, but I shouldn't be having anything near that. I had 12k two days ago and now it seems to have vanished from my frequent repairs. Isn't that a little bit silly? Shouldn't there be a certain amount of time given before a weapon can break? I'd really like to keep playing but I feel like this kind of upkeep is unreasonable.

Maybe we've both been going through a period of bad luck, but the devs should consider limiting /this much/ upkeep drain.

...sorry if I'm ignorant.

I don't know what level you are, but the lower your WPF the higher your upkeep. Also, arrows have a higher break chance than any other item. Bodkins are also quite expensive. Until you have a good amount of cash saved up, I'd use barbed. They're very similar to tartars, but cost a lot less. When you have a multi, use your bodkins.

Also, what game mode do you play? You'll lose more money on siege than battle. Also, the less people that are on the shorter the rounds. You can make a ton of money on a low-pop battle server.

I also have a feeling that statistically newer players have a lower average multi than skilled players. Skilled players are generally in clans or they get valor a lot. Both of those help you have a higher average multi than a new player.

Thankfully though, this shit multi system will soon be gone for good.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 05:51:16 am by rustyspoon »
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