Author Topic: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.  (Read 6513 times)

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2011, 07:32:27 pm »
you can blame me if you like for suggestion of 2-4-8-16 million xp, as high levels were far too simple to obtain.

If your build is not 'playable' by 20 or so, consider using the character planner found in the guides section. If it is just a suck build and you are waiting to heirloom something, consider this a painful reminder to plan ahead.
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2011, 07:47:33 pm »
you can blame me if you like for suggestion of 2-4-8-16 million xp, as high levels were far too simple to obtain.

If your build is not 'playable' by 20 or so, consider using the character planner found in the guides section. If it is just a suck build and you are waiting to heirloom something, consider this a painful reminder to plan ahead.

So sayeth a high genner.  How's things in the ezmode retirement age with Goretooth, Kesh and all the other double digit gen crowd?  Must be nice huh?  You should try being a first gen and seeing how long it takes you to masterwork something.  We can't just pump out a triple heirloomed item every 4 days or so like you guys.   :rolleyes:
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2011, 07:51:56 pm »
agree with op I think most the crpg community has thought this way since last patch. but its governed by the chadz dictatorship. visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2011, 08:51:55 pm »
I dont actually agree with all the 30-31 hate.  It only took me around 65 hours of gameplay to retire for the first time.  And that gap from 30-31 gave me time enough to sit back and enjoy my character that I had built.  Flaws and all.
Subsequently, my next gen has been much more fun to play.  Knowing exactly how I would build this time, having been given enough time to fully understand what I had done with my orginal build and where its stregth and weaknesses were.
Not to mention that the next time up, you have all the gold and weapons you never had leveling up the first time.  that original grind was completely worth the effort.

Stop whining about instant gratification and just play and enjoy the game for a bit.
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2011, 09:37:24 pm »
I started playing just after the implementation of the last patch. (Mid January 2011)

The main reason I like CRPG is the fact that every one seems to be on equal ground; Heirlooms don't change the game in a big way.
When you hit lvl 30 (taught to be the soft cap), you are plenty capable of dealing any kind of damage and are mostly on equal ground with every one.

I agree that my first generation was LOONG as Hell. But i guess that's just part of the game. Think of it as an initiation process.
And after a whole generation (to lvl 31) you know your game and how to play it. I think he gap from 30-31 should be the part you enjoy the most. Not a LoNg painful grind.
It should be during that time that you're the most useful to your team and get high multipliers the most.

You don't need to retire, you don't even get much out of retiring. (Heirlooming a weapon and 10% xp)
One thing i agree upon is that Higher generation players who could retire once a week pre-patch have a big advantage.
One of my friend is Gen 31, getting 4k per tick at x1. Even pre-patch, allot of players chose not to retire at all.
These players have been playing a long time and have contributed to the advancement of this mod.
In my opinion, they earned that kind of advantage. (Although I must say i'm quite jealous)

Yesterday, i turned generation 5. I have 280 hours of playtime, that is counting all the time i've spent waiting in the menu screen (AFK, on the phone, or on TeamSpeak3).
I must say that i play allot, probably to much. But what keeps me going is the dream of Strategus, and the community (especially my clanmates).

To sum it up, levelling from level 30 to 31 ain't so bad.
Anyways, my 2 cents.
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2011, 09:52:16 pm »
So sayeth a high genner.  How's things in the ezmode retirement age with Goretooth, Kesh and all the other double digit gen crowd?  Must be nice huh?  You should try being a first gen and seeing how long it takes you to masterwork something.  We can't just pump out a triple heirloomed item every 4 days or so like you guys.   :rolleyes:
So how many heirlooms do you think I use at a time? I'd gladly take back my level 42 with 1 heirloom :P Fact is, I will stop retiring in a couple gens and work alts.

Yes, I do indeed have alts.. I feel your pain man, but less the level and more the lack of gold.
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2011, 10:05:13 pm »
Stop whining about instant gratification and just play and enjoy the game for a bit.


And grinders, plz stop whining too, let other players have fun.

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2011, 10:06:57 pm »
Personally I don't think it takes long enough.  Currently it is short enough people actually PLAN to do it.  I'd much prefer if people got to 30 and never expected to go further.

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2011, 10:11:46 pm »
I would. This game favors grinders and high gens too heavily now.
Low gen characters take forever to retire. High gen characters can retire in a day.
[I hate grinding when I just want to make a character to see what it is like at level 30 even. IMO gen 1 characters should reach level 30 really fast or start at a higher level; like 25. You don't grow up as a first generation fighter; you become one later in life. Doesn't make sense to punish new players or logical sense by roleplay logic. Whatever.]

Meh, while I agree level 30 to 31 takes to long that's wrong.
At gen 11 you get double xp, so need half the time, at gen 21 3rd, etc.
If they can retire every day (lol) than mostly because they play so much, if a gen 1 plays the same he can retire in a week or less also.
Though I think higher base xp and at some time capping xp bonus would work well.

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2011, 10:17:48 pm »
Ok, if anyone read my post on the first page. I am clarifying my point of view further.

You should NOT HAVE TO grind hard for your first character to get to level 30. Not everybody wants to grind. I for one, don't want to grind and get heirlooms but the regular play to level 30 is what is so bad for gen 1s. If they WANT TO GRIND; Then sure they can retire and grind all the way up their next gen with the reward of a single heirloom.

Some people just want to play the game with customizable characters, you know. Not grind. Don't punish casual players.

That is why I am a supporter of the idea to start gen 1 characters at level 20 something with no skills/stats placed yet. I suggested level 25 at random.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 10:22:05 pm by Marathon »
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2011, 11:26:24 pm »
looking at it from time invested

if u get 1000xp/ min and u have to level 4,800,000 (30-31)
1 hr =60,000
80hrs = 2 work weeks
if that is 10 days
( I realize this does notake into account if u are on winning team
but it does not count map relaods and waitng time either)

now i can level a character  in a day
as I hit gen 5 .. I might even be able to do 2 retires in a day
I figure if I take a level 7gen(say even  7days)  I can take
make level 31 before those 10 days are up...

U still think it is fair????

 :idea:I think I will test this out :D
 see how many gen I can get in a 10 day period and be a levl 31 retired

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2011, 11:39:54 pm »
Ok, if anyone read my post on the first page. I am clarifying my point of view further.

You should NOT HAVE TO grind hard for your first character to get to level 30. Not everybody wants to grind. I for one, don't want to grind and get heirlooms but the regular play to level 30 is what is so bad for gen 1s. If they WANT TO GRIND; Then sure they can retire and grind all the way up their next gen with the reward of a single heirloom.

Some people just want to play the game with customizable characters, you know. Not grind. Don't punish casual players.

That is why I am a supporter of the idea to start gen 1 characters at level 20 something with no skills/stats placed yet. I suggested level 25 at random.


I like this idea, mostly because this mod is REALLY harsh towards newbies. I mean, let's face it, it's probably disheartening towards new players when they die if someone just looks at them funny. I feel bad for them whenever one of them asks, "So, when can I actually kill someone?"

Starting their first gen at level 20 or so will give them a bit more survivability and the possibility to play around with builds more. If they don't like their build, they can instantly retire and go right back to level 20 not losing a thing. I just believe that an influx of new players to a mod is always a good thing and we'd get more casual players into the mod.
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2011, 01:13:58 am »
Ok, if anyone read my post on the first page. I am clarifying my point of view further.

You should NOT HAVE TO grind hard for your first character to get to level 30. Not everybody wants to grind. I for one, don't want to grind and get heirlooms but the regular play to level 30 is what is so bad for gen 1s. If they WANT TO GRIND; Then sure they can retire and grind all the way up their next gen with the reward of a single heirloom.

Some people just want to play the game with customizable characters, you know. Not grind. Don't punish casual players.

That is why I am a supporter of the idea to start gen 1 characters at level 20 something with no skills/stats placed yet. I suggested level 25 at random.


I like this idea, mostly because this mod is REALLY harsh towards newbies. I mean, let's face it, it's probably disheartening towards new players when they die if someone just looks at them funny. I feel bad for them whenever one of them asks, "So, when can I actually kill someone?"

Starting their first gen at level 20 or so will give them a bit more survivability and the possibility to play around with builds more. If they don't like their build, they can instantly retire and go right back to level 20 not losing a thing. I just believe that an influx of new players to a mod is always a good thing and we'd get more casual players into the mod.

I think this is a step in the right direction, anything that would make the game more fun for new players is a good thing.  Maybe just make the xp needed to reach level 20 half as much on first gen only?

What if at level 30 players were given the option to have a mid-life crisis?  For 50k gold or maybe a much more considerable price like losing all gold, they could re-roll their stats once to try a completely different build between 30-31. 

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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2011, 01:43:43 am »
Hmmm I can get on board with gen 1s starting at lvl 20... thats only like 100k xp anyway
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Re: Getting from lvl 30 to 31 takes too long.
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 02:03:50 am »
Gatsby, what is your generation now?

Gen5(pre patch) and lvl30 and i will retire at 31, not a problem to play for long time at this level.
If i really have to find a problem i should probably say that i couldn't find any good reason to upgrade my equipment and use better gear, but this is a completly diffrent story.