chocolate chip cookies didn't do genocide.
I don't even...
As a German I feel shocked and disturbed how someone could write this.
Systematically murdering millions of people, documented with papers, photos and witnesses but there was no genocide?
You may not know it, probably nobody does except Germans, a statement like this is considered a crime in Germany and if proven by a court can end with a prison sentence. And rightly so!
You might argue about the term Holocaust or Genocide, the fact stands - millions of people slaughtered in the most cruel and unhuman way one can imagine.
I don't care about your explanations, Xant. I don't care about your reasons for writing this but if I had any "power" or "say", you wouldn't make any appereance in this forum nor any cRPG-server ever again. I would permaban you without any hesitation.
Since I don't have any powers and you're Nord... well, let's just say it's pretty pointless to make this official in any way. Someone comes up with a lameass bullshit excuse and in the end it will be stated that I am "overreacting" and "oversensitive".
The only way to express how disgusted I am is to tell you that I have no more respect for you. You probably don't care but people who know me... well, doesn't matter anyway, right? Only makes me wonder if you have a nice big "Hakenkreuz"-flag hanging above your bed...
And please, don't bother answering or pm'ing me. Consider yourself dead when it comes to me.