If you are glancing with warhammer, its because you are hitting heavy armoured guys, or in a very bad position: I manage to take down any level of armour players with my 2 fav weapons: iron mace and sword of whine. Just watch your range, get a sweetspot headslash in from ANY direction, or a facestab.
VERY WORSE CASE scenario, blackarmour dude with silly amounts of IF, just take a runup.
As to stuns vs 1h from heavy weapons: It will take time to get into range, nice big polearm will have time to swing at you twice as you approach. O!? Whats that?! Stun from blocking heavies affects 1, maybe 2 hits only? PERFECT, Ill be out of stun just as I come into range, seems like someone thought this up well....
I like poles, longswords, single handed weapons, axes, mauls, what have you, I use it and like it. And, in all honesty, shielders have an easy time surviving, and the shields need to grouped as either Melee shields, good speed but low coverage, or ranged defence, large but cumbersome. But as to offensive styles, polearms has it ALL going on, with faster real speed ingame than any other class, simply by applying physics: 2 levers turn at the same point, at the same speed, but are different lengths: The tip of the longer level will be travelling faster than the tip of the shorter level: apply this to weapons:
Get a 1h weapon like....Fighting Axe
Fighting Axe 2596
weight 2
requirement 9
spd rtng 94
weapon length 90
swing damage 31, cut
thrust damage 0 pierce
Bonus against Shield
Secondary Mode
Lets compare with: Hafter Blade
Hafted Blade 2450
weight 2.25
requirement 8
spd rtng 95
weapon length 132
swing damage 36, cut
thrust damage 20 pierce
Penalty with Shield
Hafted blade is cheaper faster longer. Then apply the fact that its additional length makes it effectively faster still. Polearms GOT IT GOING ON!!!