Author Topic: seroquel needs to be banned  (Read 440 times)

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seroquel needs to be banned
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:48:24 am »
during defend the vergen in between 1:00 and 2:00 central time seroquel was trolling in dtv. i dont have any screen shots to prove this.

what he would do is if we were on a far round he would take a massive group of bots around the city and to the vergin. he would then leave.

he also would 2 hit a person. get reported. then leav before anybody could say anything. if you look in the game logs i do remember reporting him twice then he left. he stood behind me and threw daggers into my head.

the only person that i can remember was right next to me was Ez3. there were 2 other people though.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.