Author Topic: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build  (Read 3644 times)

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2012, 02:23:33 am »
Is it like HA though where it's pretty useless till the very end?

Thanks for replies, sorry to hijack thread, but I didn't want to start a new one.

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2012, 02:35:18 am »
I'll hop on my 27/15 archer. I have a MW rus bow and MW bodkins. and with heirloom transferring, ahaha.
I said it is still alright, just not on 18/24+ Archery GOOD.

edit: I still stand by this.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 03:02:00 am by Marathon »
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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2012, 07:13:16 am »
I'll hop on my 27/15 archer. I have a MW rus bow and MW bodkins. and with heirloom transferring, ahaha.
I said it is still alright, just not on 18/24+ Archery GOOD.

edit: I still stand by this.

Ya, 5 WM is definitely not enough for a rus or long bow, though it can be effective with a Horn Bow if you are shooting at close range.  I did a 21/15 melee/archer hybrid like that, and just stayed as close to people as possible spamming horn bow arrows and willingly went into melee when I felt like it, was pretty fun and more interesting than typical xbow hybrid for sure. 
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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2012, 08:05:06 am »
I hear people singing the praises of 18/24, the difference between 6 WM and 8 WM amounts to about 17 archery WPF.  I find it hard to believe that most people could even tell a difference.  Why not go 21/18 and get an additional 14% damage?  You get more skill points to play with, more damage, slightly more HP (hardly worth mentioning) and you lose what, a negligible amount of accuracy and hold time?  I can see it if you want to absolutely max your accuracy but you can adapt to a shorter hold time pretty easily.

I guess I should make some STF characters and try their builds out myself.

Seems like most of these are melee guys who don't want to be on the receiving end of your 7 or 8 PD and want to catch your 3 athletics molasses moving ass.  :P

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2012, 11:29:10 am »
Hmm currently I was more leaning for 21/21 with 155 wpf in archery and 50 in 2h (Or 160 in archery and around 29 in 2h) but I do get your points.

Character still low level with 12/11 (Raising 3 per time) so I can still adapt to something else.

Ps. At first I was going for a +3 Rus bow but while the extra damage is useful, it's 2 slot and slow with a 24/18 build but when I used a horn or tatar bow I was shooting decently fast so now I have a +3 horn bow and the extra 1 PD could help me I guess.

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2012, 11:46:38 am »

Character still low level with 12/11 (Raising 3 per time) so I can still adapt to something else.

I guess u gonna use one of those 6 req. Bows? U'll get it quite late. If I were you I would skill till 12 Agi rest in str till u get 18. I always go 9 agi rest str so I can use my Long bow on lvl 18-19.

Ohh u got a Horn Bow then just go for 15 str but ahh nvm :D

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2012, 11:48:44 am »
Yeah but every 1 PD you pump the bow gets slower but if you even it up with 1 wm it goes back to normal :P

Offline Cyclopsided

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2012, 11:09:39 pm »
I hear people singing the praises of 18/24, the difference between 6 WM and 8 WM amounts to about 17 archery WPF.  I find it hard to believe that most people could even tell a difference.  Why not go 21/18 and get an additional 14% damage?  You get more skill points to play with, more damage, slightly more HP (hardly worth mentioning) and you lose what, a negligible amount of accuracy and hold time?  I can see it if you want to absolutely max your accuracy but you can adapt to a shorter hold time pretty easily.

I guess I should make some STF characters and try their builds out myself.

Seems like most of these are melee guys who don't want to be on the receiving end of your 7 or 8 PD and want to catch your 3 athletics molasses moving ass.  :P
the accuracy difference is Huge. I thought that way by looking at the numbers first myself. I was wrong.
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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2012, 02:04:00 pm »
imo you should get
Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 18
    Agility: 21
    Hit points: 53

    Skills to attributes: 8

    Ironflesh: 0
    Power Strike: 4
    Shield: 0
    Athletics: 6
    Riding: 0
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 6
    Power Throw: 0
    Weapon Master: 7

    Archery: 165
If u are good in melee u can kill ppl with a hand axe or pickaxe and u don't need to put points in melee weapons.
I used this bulit and it was really funny to kill ppl with my hand axe.
3 ath is not enought because you are to slow to follow your team, and it's really hard to dodge cav with low ath.
Almost all archers who are currently topping scoreboard are high lvls, but they are not killable :)
Currently the best bow is rus bow (it's actually op compare to other bows from 5 pd up) and he is using by archers like Bagge, Tibour, Robinhood and other good archers. But most stylish bow is imo Long bow - slowest and less accurate one but deadly  (I'm using it and it's really nice if you don;'t care too much about k-d)
Archer forever :D

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2012, 02:36:20 pm »
I hear people singing the praises of 18/24, the difference between 6 WM and 8 WM amounts to about 17 archery WPF.  I find it hard to believe that most people could even tell a difference.  Why not go 21/18 and get an additional 14% damage?  You get more skill points to play with, more damage, slightly more HP (hardly worth mentioning) and you lose what, a negligible amount of accuracy and hold time?  I can see it if you want to absolutely max your accuracy but you can adapt to a shorter hold time pretty easily.

I guess I should make some STF characters and try their builds out myself.

Seems like most of these are melee guys who don't want to be on the receiving end of your 7 or 8 PD and want to catch your 3 athletics molasses moving ass.  :P
Well, it's not exactly the WPF that makes the difference, it's the PD. Every point in PD improves the missile speed, and missile speed has huge impact on accuracy. Also the speed penalty of PD is pretty major. 18/21 is the best build for archer at level 30. It's not even something to argue about, it's a fact.

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2012, 02:42:44 pm »
Also the speed penalty of PD is pretty major. 18/21 is the best build for archer at level 30. It's not even something to argue about, it's a fact.

Prove to me, cRPG forum user "Cumface," that the 18/21 archer build is quantifiably the better build than 21/21 with 7 WM, 7 PD, and 3 Athletics or 18/24 with 8 WM 6 PD and 3 Athletics.  Your claim of indubitability I find curious.
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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2012, 02:45:49 pm »
Prove to me, cRPG forum user "Cumface," that the 18/21 archer build is quantifiably the better build than 21/21 with 7 WM, 7 PD, and 3 Athletics or 18/24 with 8 WM 6 PD and 3 Athletics.  Your claim of indubitability I find curious.
Test it yourself if you don't believe. If you still don't believe after testing, you are retard.

7WM & 7PD = A lot more inaccurate than 7WM & 6PD. The difference is huge, also 7WM & 7PD still gives you speed penalty. The damage difference is not even noticeable, you still mostly need as many arrows as you needed with 6PD to kill someone. 3 atheltics just sucks, you have to be able to run away from anyone, and still have time to stop and shoot them. With 7 athletics you can run away from pretty much anyone, and yet have time to turn around and headshot them like a boss. You can kill as many people like this as you have arrows, shielders are harder to kill that way though.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 02:50:59 pm by Cumface »

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2012, 03:14:45 pm »
Test it yourself if you don't believe. If you still don't believe after testing, you are retard.

7WM & 7PD = A lot more inaccurate than 7WM & 6PD. The difference is huge, also 7WM & 7PD still gives you speed penalty. The damage difference is not even noticeable, you still mostly need as many arrows as you needed with 6PD to kill someone. 3 atheltics just sucks, you have to be able to run away from anyone, and still have time to stop and shoot them. With 7 athletics you can run away from pretty much anyone, and yet have time to turn around and headshot them like a boss. You can kill as many people like this as you have arrows, shielders are harder to kill that way though.

Yeah, if you aren't kiting everyone as an archer you are doing it wrong  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2012, 03:19:37 pm »
I played almost 10 generations as an archer (former Justus_Caesar_of_Chaos), and tested some builds, really sticked with that 2:

One Handed:10

Weapon Master:6
Power Strike:4 (or IF, I prefer PS)
Power Draw:7

18/21 (the best)

One Handed:50 (or 39)
Archery:159 (or 160)

Weapon Master:7
Power Strike:3 (or IF, I prefer PS)
Power Draw:6

After more then 500 hours of archery I must say, agi is better, but 6 PD is essencial too (not really need much more, u decrease too much status for it) , so 18/21!

I used Rus Bow 90% of that time, and Tatar 50%, Bodkins 50% (all MW).
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 06:20:37 pm by justjr »

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Re: Soon to retire I need the most feedback possible to an archery build
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2012, 03:39:35 pm »
Yeah, if you aren't kiting everyone as an archer you are doing it wrong  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
We were talking about best build. With 3 athletic build, you are last man standing.. There's 3 enemy 2h's left.. The chances are you won't kill them all before they reach you = you die. With 7 athletic build, you shoot and run, and end up killing them all (unless you really suck). So yeah, it's best build.