Author Topic: why friends are the reason racism exists  (Read 5205 times)

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2012, 01:19:10 am »
People act like it happened forever ago when there are fathers who lived through that kind of stuff, and grandfathers even worse. It's a huge stigma that will take generations to heal, even after the fact. Of course racism as it was rarely exists like that today, but it's easy to see the lasting effects it still has and the type of more subtle racism people continue to deal with. (This is ignoring internet racist trolls, what happens in real life).

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2012, 01:20:19 am »
I am not a racist. I just believe in this little radical idea called "free speech".

+1 for that, racism is retarded, but so is for example religion. You cannot force a racist to become non-racist as you cannot do it to religious people, youve to accept the opinion of others and learn to deal with it/them
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2012, 01:29:02 am »
There is a difference in racism, prejudice, and respect. I'll break it down for you in words that you can understand in a nice numbered list.

1- Racism - To be a racist is to think that a race/races is inferior/are inferior to another race/other races. What you refer to as "white guilt" has no effect on whether or not someone's race is viewed as inferior. To be a racist is simply foolish. It has been proven that ones race has little to do with the potential of a race. It has more to do with where and how you're raised, your state of physical and emotional health, and of course a lack of birth defects (like how BADPLAYER has an extra chromosome).

2. Prejudice - This is what is often confused with racism, and wherein I believe your beliefs are most accurate. Persons belonging to various cultural groups can often be stereotyped, especially since members of these groups more often than not belong to the same race. Low income African Americans in my part of the country fall victim to some prejudice due to their affinity towards violence and milking the welfare system. There are also low income white people who have largely identical lifestyles. Both groups were born and raised under similar circumstances, and the members of both groups tend to end up the same way. The reverse also applies.

3. Respect - There is an element of white guilt that permeates through society, and I have been accused of having it myself. I detest the 'N' word, but it is not because I feel guilty. I am a very prejudiced person. The types of people described in my second bullet particularly irk me. I hate people who are resigned to do nothing with their lives and waste away while wallowing in self pity and blaming others for their circumstance. That being said, I have enough respect for African Americans and their struggle in the civil rights movement. Their methods of protest were the right methods, mostly. People died to earn equal footing in the United States. Out of respect to those people who died, and what they fought for, I do not use the 'N' word. I bitch at my friends when they use the 'N' word. Out of respect for people who I have met and have known people in my life who were alive during the civil rights movement, who remember the civil rights movement, and who had participated in the civil rights movement. Out of respect for them as well, I do not use the 'N' word. I am not sensitive, but I respect those who do not wish for that word to be used, therefore I do not use it as a sign of respect.

I am sorry if you are too immature or too stupid to understand these concepts, but I hope the moderator team reprimands you for immaturity and poor trolling tactics.

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2012, 01:33:52 am »
+1 for that, racism is retarded, but so is for example religion. You cannot force a racist to become non-racist as you cannot do it to religious people, youve to accept the opinion of others and learn to deal with it/them

So if someone is of the opinion all jews should be put in concentration camps, we should just accept his opinion? I tend to agree, if by "accept his opinion" you mean "accept his opinion and then kill him with fire".

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2012, 01:34:34 am »

Racism in western societies seems to have lost a lot of it's real meaning as a word since at least in Finland it's started to seem that everything is racism - for some reason a loud minority (?) of dark skinned immigrants seem to like telling everyone how racist they are all the time. And when they don't get jobs it's usually because of racist Finns, not because of they can't commit to working or don't know how to read or speak Finnish or even easily understandable English etc.

don't take it personal it's just a common thing I acknowledge lately and that i found pretty funny

It's just that I tend to hear more and more of those kind of word (In Québec which is almost the same thing as Finland (different ''hard'' language : french a non-racism strict strict policy))

 It's like if you were saying : We're not racist, we are just annoyed by those different people with different culture and different look and different manners, if they could just be more like us instead of saying we need to adapt to them?

a bit ironic...

But I can understand your thought, I face it everyday with comment like : can you be less gay you're not helping yourself! but you know I'm not homophobic right... (yeah...)

Anyway, it's normal to be a little shocked when facing a new strange thing such as other culture and such and I understand this reaction as a remain of old racist allied with a cultural solidarity plus a reaction toward some of the people who abuse racist accusation facing our path to be less racist. (oh god I hate being awkward in English...)

Anyway, we just need to inform ourselves on the culture of people and stay a bit open minded, maybe racism will still exist, but maybe we can make our children and the children or our children not being racist
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2012, 01:34:55 am »
I think people get confused when it comes to free speech. There is a lose that right when you get to the point where you're intending to incite violence or to encourage hate between groups of people

People like Westboro Baptist Church couldn't operate in the UK, in fact they're banned from ever entering the country. You can say what you like, but there are common sense limits
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2012, 01:38:45 am »
So if someone is of the opinion all jews should be put in concentration camps, we should just accept his opinion? I tend to agree, if by "accept his opinion" you mean "accept his opinion and then kill him with fire".
In germany people insult you of being a chocolate chip cookie if you say "oh, i think it is not nice that israelis are threatening the people in ghaza bad", this country is completely fucked up.... Im for total freedom of speech, i really dont care about other peoples opinions. Punish them if they break a law, but dont punish them for their opinions and dont creat ANY law restricting freedom of speech/etc
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2012, 01:52:25 am »
+1 for that, racism is retarded, but so is for example religion. You cannot force a racist to become non-racist as you cannot do it to religious people, youve to accept the opinion of others and learn to deal with it/them

Beeing simply religious isnt offensive to anyone really(Except for fanatism obviously), while Racism is.

And its also completely legal to say what you mentioned there here in germany, its only the people telling you that its "chocolate chip cookie" , and those guys are mostly idiots.

However, it is not legal to go into the street and yell" Run ni**a run, dem Chickens are coming for revenge!".

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2012, 02:05:36 am »
So if someone is of the opinion all jews should be put in concentration camps, we should just accept his opinion? I tend to agree, if by "accept his opinion" you mean "accept his opinion and then kill him with fire".

In despotism you go to jail when you have bad opinions, in democracy nobody cares.

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2012, 02:06:49 am »
In despotism you go to jail when you have bad opinions, in democracy nobody cares.

In despotism you go to jail when you have bad opinions by the despot's standards, which doesn't work out very well since he happens to be the bad guy.

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2012, 02:22:49 am »
As a proud black woman, I find it offensive that you dumb honkies think that you can tell me what to say.

Maybe if you understood the difference between someone shouting "friend" while they beat up my friend, and that same friend saying "sup nigga" to me in greeting we wouldn't have these issues.

Stupid raycis-ass crackas.
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2012, 02:29:31 am »
In despotism you go to jail when you have bad opinions by the despot's standards, which doesn't work out very well since he happens to be the bad guy.

Depends on the despot. Actually some despots in history were better managers and more progressive than some current elected leaders.

Good and bad happen to be concepts that are impossible to define accurately in an absolute way. Actually, if people try to convince you of the opposite, they are most probably naively thinking they do good things, even though they really aren't. Believe it or not, actual chocolate chip cookies were chocolate chip cookie because they thought it was a good thing and considered themselves as good people.

The problem with racism/prejudice etc. laws that partly restrict freedom of speech (that is, offenses that don't go further than speech, unlike job discrimination etc. that are very serious issues) is that even though individuals should be free to say whatever they want (they can be drunk anyway), we can't reasonably let neochocolate chip cookie groups chant racist slurs in the open.

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2012, 02:29:57 am »
As a proud black woman, I find it offensive that you dumb honkies think that you can tell me what to say.

Maybe if you understood the difference between someone shouting "friend" while they beat up my friend, and that same friend saying "sup nigga" to me in greeting we wouldn't have these issues.

Stupid raycis-ass crackas.

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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2012, 02:31:48 am »
Depends on the despot. Actually some despots in history were better managers and more progressive than some current elected leaders.

Good and bad happen to be concepts that are impossible to define accurately in an absolute way. Actually, if people try to convince you of the opposite, they are most probably naively thinking they do good things, even though they really aren't. Believe it or not, actual chocolate chip cookies were chocolate chip cookie because they thought it was a good thing and considered themselves as good people.

The problem with racism/prejudice etc. laws that partly restrict freedom of speech (that is, offenses that don't go further than speech, unlike job discrimination etc. that are very serious issues) is that even though individuals should be free to say whatever they want (they can be drunk anyway), we can't reasonably let neochocolate chip cookie groups chant racist slurs in the open.
Yes, it's fine for teachers in muslim schools to preach death to the infidels.

It's grand to have bible thumping halfwits carrying 'burn my old friend' signs at funerals.

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Christ, what a bunch of fucking morons.
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Re: why friends are the reason racism exists
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2012, 02:33:57 am »
My opinion is people can say what they want in general. In regards to this game if someone owns a server or a forum and they have rules you have to follow them, even if the rules are unfair or don't make sense. Personally i believe in free speech and if someone is saying something i don't like i just ignore them, even if its bad.
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