Currently, the Bastard Sword, Heavy Bastard Sword, and Longsword are all very similar - in fact the Longsword only differs from the HBS by 1 length and a tiny bit less weight.
So those weapons are rather clustered in their stats, and then there is a decent gap (in swords with stab) between those and the Two Handed sword - specifically in speed, going from 98 speed to 95.
* I would propose either that the Longsword stats could be changed (and allow loomed longswords to be traded in for their LPs?
or adding a new weapon between the Longsword and the Two Handed Sword *
Either way, the new stats for the revised Longsword or the New Longsword (needs name) could be :
weapon length: 108
weight: 2.1
difficulty: 11
speed rating: 97
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 37 cut
slots: 2
* NO secondary mode