I don't know why so many people hate archers and call them gay.
I tried to be an archer and its hard as fuck to do any REAL damage (I mostly mean good aiming) and NOT teamhit your mates. It's hard to find any lone target to shoot, most of time you have to shoot in people who fight in melee. It's not that hard for me to be well-awared in battle as melee, but as an archer it's just a pain, especially if you shoot in 1 person mode.
May be people should stop thinking that anything except their playstyle is gay and accept the fact that any class has it's own advantages and disandvantages?
I never feel bad about archers. Neither I did when I was 2h, polearmer or anything else. Because when I get shot I know it was actually MY fault or MY TEAM's fault (u remember it's a teamplay-based game, not 2h-hero-based, right?). If I don't have a shield I shouldn't fight in open vs archers, it's my team's cav or shielders' job. You just can't be good against any class. And that doesn't mean the class you're against is gay. Really, such whining looks just ridiculous.
Sorry if my post is a bit offensive.