Author Topic: Help with decision on build and main sword  (Read 2624 times)

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Help with decision on build and main sword
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:31:21 am »
Right now im sitting at 15/15.    I basically just want to make a decently balanced 2h sword user.  The 3 swords I have in mind is either Longsword, Greatsword (normal one, not Danish or German), or Sword of War.

Which of those 3 swords is better?  Does each one fit a different role better?  I mostly play Siege if that helps.

As far as builds I was thinking of just going 21/18 or 24/15.  Im not really sure which would better.  I like being a bit faster, but not sure if 1 point in athletics is really going to make a difference in Siege.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 07:31:36 am »
Balanced builds are always perfect. 18/18 is balanced.. now you have to decide if you want to survive longer, or move quicker.
Again, it was good fun playing with you guys. Kryser is one of the funniest motherfuckers I ever met btw. Cheesy Biscuits.

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 08:32:18 am »
18/18 < 21/21 just sayin but he is right the 18/18 is a good starter build but  id also recommend trying out the 18/21 or 21/18 builds as all of those are  balanced builds and will give you an idea about if you like str or agi more or if just having that balance is the best for you
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 08:41:10 am »
Right now im sitting at 15/15.    I basically just want to make a decently balanced 2h sword user.  The 3 swords I have in mind is either Longsword, Greatsword (normal one, not Danish or German), or Sword of War.

Which of those 3 swords is better?  Does each one fit a different role better?  I mostly play Siege if that helps.

As far as builds I was thinking of just going 21/18 or 24/15.  Im not really sure which would better.  I like being a bit faster, but not sure if 1 point in athletics is really going to make a difference in Siege.

Any help would be appreciated.
there is no "better sword" when it comes to those since the longsword is a quick close combat "speed stick", and the SoW and the Greatsword are longer weapons but are slower. I personally prefer the longsword/Heavy Bastard Sword with my 21/18 or 18/21 build BUT wesley(sorry if its not you but im almost sure) kicks my ass with his longsword and and what i think was a 24/15 build. My belief is that if you want to hit hard(strength build) then go all out which means you would choose the Sow or the Greatsword. However there are many strength builds that use a short sword such as the katana.
Choosing between the two longer swords is very much based on play style. See if you like to stab or slash more and from there make your decision.
1 point of athletics will not matter too much in running up walls in siege but in combat it can make the difference between being able to out manuevre your opponent or in some cases chase down an archer

*remember though you can carry 2 of these weapons meaning you can carry the longsword as well as one of the other two as well

and to spaniard, 21/21 isnt a level 31 build, is it?

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 01:15:39 pm »
there is no "better sword" when it comes to those since the longsword is a quick close combat "speed stick", and the SoW and the Greatsword are longer weapons but are slower. I personally prefer the longsword/Heavy Bastard Sword with my 21/18 or 18/21 build BUT wesley(sorry if its not you but im almost sure) kicks my ass with his longsword and and what i think was a 24/15 build. My belief is that if you want to hit hard(strength build) then go all out which means you would choose the Sow or the Greatsword. However there are many strength builds that use a short sword such as the katana.
Choosing between the two longer swords is very much based on play style. See if you like to stab or slash more and from there make your decision.
1 point of athletics will not matter too much in running up walls in siege but in combat it can make the difference between being able to out manuevre your opponent or in some cases chase down an archer

*remember though you can carry 2 of these weapons meaning you can carry the longsword as well as one of the other two as well

and to spaniard, 21/21 isnt a level 31 build, is it?

21/21 is a level 30 build and it is FANTASTIC with light armor, a longsword or heavy bastard.

Strength: 21
Agility: 21
Hit points: 62
Skills to attributes: 14
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 7
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 111
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Alternatively you can put the 3 IF into WM if you plan on using a slower sword, though it won't make much of a difference anyway.
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2012, 01:26:53 pm »
Since you play mostly siege you don't need athletics as much, so a strength build would work better. Something like this:

strength 24
agility 18

8 power strike
6 athletics
3 iron flesh

all wpp into 2h

It's durable, hard-hitting, and still fairly quick. Grab some good medium armor and you're ready to go. Also, since you'll be fighting indoors and in close quarters more often I'd suggest using the longsword. Greatswords need a lot of room to swing so they're better as field weapons.
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2012, 05:37:49 pm »
Either sword would do with your 18/18. It comes down to style of play. If you're a beginner, I honestly don't recommend using a small/fast weapon like HB/Longsword. While they're good dueling swords, it's easier to use the weapon length and damage of bigger swords to your advantage than to use weapon speed effectively. The allowed margin for error is a lot smaller when you're using HB/Longsword, as it takes more hits to bring someone down.
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2012, 06:28:47 pm »
Longsword: very fast, if a bit shorter and not as much damage (as the others listed).  Like others said, its a good dueling sword, but it can hold its own in any situation.  Also its more affordable and has low upkeep cost.

Great Sword: Nice length, its primary usefulness is the strong stab.  It has a surprising poke that can be good against high armor targets or catching people unaware.  If you are good at thrusting or favor this attack, go for it.  The cut is fair enough.

Sword of War:  Big cleaving sword.  I think you should go with this one.  It's great for siege.  The thrust is servicable, but most of your attacks should be arcing chops at the head.  It's a little slower than the other two, so not as good in a duel...still a good overall weapon.

My 2 cents!  Depends on your playstyle.

Offline Rendar1970

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2012, 06:43:15 pm »
Sword of War:  Big cleaving sword.  I think you should go with this one.  It's great for siege.  The thrust is servicable, but most of your attacks should be arcing chops at the head.  It's a little slower than the other two, so not as good in a duel...still a good overall weapon.

By arcing chops to the head, do you just mean overhead attacks? Or left and right swings while looking slightly up to make it go towards the head?

21/21 is a level 30 build and it is FANTASTIC with light armor, a longsword or heavy bastard.

Strength: 21
Agility: 21
Hit points: 62
Skills to attributes: 14
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 7
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 111
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Im really liking the idea of this build.  Ill have to respec as I already have 3 points in IF and WM, so i wouldnt have enough to convert over to 21/21.  Im going to get a Longsword and a Sword of War I think, and switch between the 2 depending on the map.  Also for light armor, what counts as that?  Im currently using the Palace Guard Armor, its Blue and white, weight is 10.8.  Is that too heavy?

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2012, 06:53:46 pm »
By arcing chops to the head, do you just mean overhead attacks? Or left and right swings while looking slightly up to make it go towards the head?

Yeah, I was trying to be somewhat poetic, but overhead, left, or right swings will be your main attacks.  Head is the target, but anywhere you hit will hurt.  Don't neglect the thrust though cuz that can catch people off guard.

Also for light armor, what counts as that?  Im currently using the Palace Guard Armor, its Blue and white, weight is 10.8.  Is that too heavy?

The palace guard armor I'd classify as a light-medium armor.  It's well balanced.

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2012, 04:48:30 am »
Rusty knows what's up! Heck yeah I use my MW Heavy Bastard Sword with that 21/21 build and it can totally be done at lvl 30. I usually pick my sword on the situation for battle I prefer my HBS but for Siege my Highland Gaymore destroys erreything it touches which just happens to be everybody har har harr Bigger swords are good for wrecking people with fewer swings but when it comes to doOlz I always go with the lighter HBS
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2012, 05:04:10 am »
my build the past 2 gens, my favorite battle server build:
Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Hit points: 70
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 7
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 6
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 3
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 133

With a MW Danish sword, you do very good damage, and the 133 WPF lets your swings feel pretty good in medium-heavy armor, I use a kuyak personally as I think its great weight-protection ratio.

Without the luxury of a MW weapon, you will find your swings hitting pretty weakly.  This is especially true if you only have 110 WM and not that much power strike.

For a newer player, I would recommend 24/15, with 8 IF, 8 PS, 5 ATH, and 2 WM.  This build grants you a great deal more survivability and pretty decent damage than a 21/21 level 30 build.

I tried the 21/21 at 30 build recently and found the lack of IF and WM to make the game a bit more frustrating and less fun to play, even if the 7 ath and 7 PS is a deadly combo.  I think if you want to be decently fast an 18/21 or 21/18 build with maxed IF and some WM will be more enjoyable, and definitely more forgiving of mistakes.

For battle server, on the open maps, reach is king.  The Danish Greatsword is the most used 2hander for a reason, its probably the best.  You can fight off cav, abuse 2hand stab and keep up with the long polearms in "line battles", overhead  spam in confused clusterfucks to often 1 hit kill people, and duel pretty effectively if you get good at footwork/animation abuse.  I definitely recommend getting good with a great sword of any type, its the most well rounded 2hand class you can have.

For siege, closed maps, 1vs1 fighting, or if you are a very good blocker and attacker, the longsword shines.  Its more difficult to use, but much deadlier 1 vs 1 if you can close the distance on an enemy.  The problem in big battle server matches is you will be dealing with long spears/pikes and all sorts of support weapons and backpedalers, making it more difficult to use effectively until you are pretty good at battle awareness and technical skills like blocking.

If you like siege and like 2 hander, by all means you need to try out a great maul or mallet sometime.  They are short and slow, but god damn are they fun and unique to the 2hand class.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 05:10:03 am by Smoothrich »
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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 08:43:06 am »
Still my favorite 2h build:

Code: [Select]
Strength: 18
    Agility: 21

    Skills to attributes: 8

    Ironflesh: 6
    Power Strike: 6
    Athletics: 7
    Weapon Master: 4

    Two Handed: 140

You can swap out some WM/IF for shield skill if you want. The biggest issue with carrying a shield is that the decent ones are heavy, and the larger ones tend to horribly obscure your view when they are on your back.

The more you stick with your team, the more you can trade agility for strength. If you always stick near teammates, you can easily get away with going 27/12. Just be aware that you will be boned if you find yourself outnumbered vs competent opponents, and that playing with low ath is pretty dull.

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2012, 10:13:32 pm »
So I tried the 21/21 build with a longsword and I really really liked it.  It works great in battle or for the 1on1's you get into on Siege sometimes.  But for the most part in the big melee's your in on siege, it seemed a little lackluster.  But heres my problem. I tried a few STF toons and this is what I came to.

So im not using slightly heavier armor (the Brigidine over mail) and using the normal Greatsword (yes i know its not the best, but I just love it for some reason). So I tried these builds.

21/18:  Keep the same amount of PS, but being able to boost WM for more wpf.  However I was still slow with swings.  Even when turning there were some other 2h sword users that could always hit me twice before my swing could connect to theirs.

24/18  Being more a semi support poker with my greatsword.  The damage was good, but in any 1on1 or chase situations I was to slow in my swings, so same problem.

18/21 and 18/24  Felt alot faster, my swings were not quick enough to stop getting double hit.  But I felt like I was fighting with a feather.  I mean Even at PS7 and PS8 i was sometimes needing 5-6 hits to kill people, but as soon as I droped to PS6 I felt like I doing so little damage it wasnt worth it.

Im sure alot just has to do with skill.  But how do you run STR builds and not get outspammed by other 2h'ers?  I mean There was a guy with a SoW who as getting 2 sometimes 3 hits in a row in me before I could retaliate back with my Greatsword, which I should have a slight speed advantage on.  Is alot of it cause im still gen 1 with no looms vs people with like 4 items all +3?

Im just not sure what to do.  I feel like anything under 8 PS and it takes 6 hits to kill a guy in mail.  Yet im in mail and die in 1-2 hits everytime from people with longswords and greatswords.  Just feels like im not playing with the same set of rules....

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Re: Help with decision on build and main sword
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2012, 10:14:15 pm »
double posted sorry