Dear dev's,
If any of you ever read this thread, I hope you take it into consideration.
Now, as I'm sure that most of you are aware, PK is on the loose. This needs to be taken care of ASAP. By joining PK, the game suddenly became easymode. I ended up topping all boards, just for being in this superior elitist clan, that is hated for making every other player look bad.
Is there some sort of game mechanic that make these two letters "P" and "K", that makes an unstoppable machine when added with a name? Because just by talking to these amazing live-to-warband guys, I ended up winning, without trying to.
Because we, as a clan are THAT much better than anyone else, whenever we incoorporate a genius idea into the forums, people like Son_of_Odin instantly start attacking our concepts. I know it's hard being at the top, but c'mon, we're not preschoolers (but we will, take you back to school) are we?
I'd appreciate the nerf so everyone stops being so anti-PK. They can't seem to handle competing with players who partake in underground warband tournaments. They can't grasp the fact, that I have 4804 hours of gametime for a reason. They can't comprehend that they will never come within ten leagues of our beginning skill level. Also a nerf would add atleast some balance to an already PK heavy mod.
PK's intelligence rivals that of the asian. Our reproductive appendage rivals that of an african neanderthal, and our skills match that of the next step up from God. Fuck, we even go to the gym to tone up purely so we can click for longer, with our gravity defiant mount & muscles.
So really guys, grow a set, and stop hating me cuz you aint me.