lol man, you do talk some BS dude...
Yet our +3 Melee weapons have trouble killing silly archers (with no helms) when we smash them on their heads?
Okay, let's assume you're facing an archer with 21 STR and maybe 2 IF or 24 STR and 1-2.
With the 21 STR and 2 IF archer he/she got 60 HP. And other build 63 HP. That means 60-63 HP for you to take down.
And then let's assume you got 6 PS and +3 Morningstar. That's 41 Pierce + All PS dmg which might make it close to 60 pierce dmg probably (according to dmg calc). And even then it sometimes derps because of weird angles etc etc...
And if you hit them in the head and they survive they have MOST likely 1-5 HP left (MAX 5).
And a +3 Longbow with +3 Bodkins and 7 PD Approx 70 pierce dmg and then we're not even counting headshot dmg. And hell, if they do 8 PS build it's even worse (lots of my old friendchers are +30 lvls.
So it's not that surprising tbh.