i cant believe a thread like this has poped up. Im even lowing my wpf and my pt from 6 too 5 because i find it UP compared to the downsides for throwing.
throwing hybrid is the class that has the most drawbacks imo. the investing you have to do to be able to chuck those weapons are insane, but you dont see it because you dont get to deal with it!
You have your advantage being a pure class, did you notice it? because i sure do, i dont get to dance around with a massive sword giving out huge damage and beeing able to take many hits, Im a hybrid thrower, i die in 1 hit from a 2h and sometimes even from a 1h (even in masterwork gear)
its not like if it was cav. invest 5 riding and there you go! your a really cool hybrid!
ps : i like the people that +1 your post :
-A cav (wanting to nerf it's natural counter)
- Leshma (derp)
-an agiwhore shielder with a buckler (of course you gonna take massive damage if your an agi build with very low armor and no head armor