Liberal people love their different kinds of versions of ''leftist''.
And of course you would say that because you support ''WHAT's mine is yours and what's yours is mine'' bs mentality.
No chance for someone with ambitions to gain some capital and spend your money wisely to increase and increase your wealth? No, it's gotta be fair for EVERYONE.
IF you fall down while being chased by a giant boulder coming after you, you expect everyone else running for their life to stay and pick you up?
That's just a load of crap. And realist? What? You basically want to prevent people from living lavish just because unlike others they played their cards well and made the right decisions with their money.
??Im not liberal, I dont believe in sharing, I was trying to explain socialism to you. If a giant bolder is chasing me, I have to wonder where a sentient boulder came from. If ANYONE fell, I would try to help them up, because I'm a decent person. That has no relationship to my political belief.
If you are interested, I am an anarchist, I believe in what I can take and defend with my wit or strengh is mine, if you step on what's mine I will hit you so hard you wont come back again. I defend my family and the people I care about. I always do what I think is right, or what I want.
20 years ago I WAS a socialist, I really wanted what was best for everyone, but 20 years of encountering selfish, ignorant, unthinking people like yourself who parot stupidities you have heard without thinking out the realisms of what your spouting has killed my belief in humanity. Everything you touch you taint with your ignorance, and the worst is that no matter how and why you are disproved and corrected, you will repeat the same short sighted, narrow minded drivel. Cue the drivel: