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give me 50k, and i will make a make aptalturk thread in turkish board wiht poster of aptalturk , deal?
Miley wil take golds because Miley is related to Arrers and I am gen. 1 and need to get money to buy rooms.
Thanks Berenger, name is same as here, just Elindor
Since I was the one who boosted your auction earlier today to the price it eventually sold at, I think it's clear that I deserve a cut of the profits. Without me your arbalest would have sold for a mere 900k, so you wouldn't have this much money to give away in the first place!
ACtually I'm always halfswording I got all my wpf in polearm.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
So how much have you got left ? Just curious if its worth sharpening my knife to cut your throat and take it.
???? well???????
Bah, cheap! I deserve at least 50k, I made you three times that.
Still cheap, but obviously I'll take it. If you're silly enough to give away your money for nothing, it might as well go to me.
Put stones for 20k.Well edit: Might actually give u 10k cuz u got mai waifu in ur avatar.
heres your damn thread,
More gold for Grey army, yay!