Glaive or Long Hafted Blade.
I would say Long Hafted Blade is the best, but it has "oriental look", and is not really suited for my western armor. So for all the Cloth armor users, Ninjas and Samurais - Long Hafted Blade, for western armors - Glaive.
Why? Well, they are both well-rounded weapons. With skill - you can take them to any situation and win. Some will always prefer a "speciality" weapon with range, damage or speed bonus compared to others, and are dependent on certain tactics. But with a Long Hafted Blade, you are always ready. And its cheap.
Gah! I chose the wrong option. I meant to pick "Long Hafted Spiked Mace", but I accidently chose "Long Hafted Knobbed Mace".
Anyways this weapon, the Long Hafted Spiked Mace, is pretty incredible for all those "in your face" polearm needs. I greatly prefer it to the Bec de Corbin... In fact I don't know why you would choose the Bec over this weapon, unless for style considerations.
Long Hafted Spiked Mace
Cost: 4745 (Almost half the price of the Bec)
spd rtng 94 (Faster than the Bec)
weapon length 138 (Much longer than the Bec)
swing damage 34, blunt (Less damage - but wait, it's blunt damage, so it ends up doing more damage to armored peeps)
thrust damage 20 blunt (The *only* downside, a little less thrust damage)
Knockdown (Okay this is icing on the cake - random chance to knock somebody down = 1v1 insta win)
Compare to the Bec de Corbin
Cost: 7312 (Expensive)
spd rtng 93 (Slower)
weapon length 120 (Shorter)
swing damage 36, pierce (Pierce damage = less than or equal damage)
thrust damage 26 pierce (More damage)
Second to the long hafted spiked mace I'd say some favorites are the ashwood pike and the war spear... And of course my trusty Heavy Lance.
I dont like Bec, it gives me bad memories from "original" cRPG, but it does pierce damage, so its more effective against armored enemies.
The way you hold weapon means a lot, I am not saying its the case, but lets say Long Spiked Club ( 126 range ) is
NOT longer then German Greatsword. Needs to be tested at least.