TurmoilTom: badplayer quit?
TurmoilTom: woah
TurmoilTom: waoh
RiderOfMars: yeah
TurmoilTom: whoa
RiderOfMars: lol
TurmoilTom: why?
RiderOfMars: bored
RiderOfMars: i guess
TurmoilTom: what is na going to do without the top na cav
RiderOfMars: idk
RiderOfMars: huey gone
RiderOfMars: badplayer gone
RiderOfMars: OMAI
TurmoilTom: next is smoothrich, i know it
RiderOfMars: lol
TurmoilTom: all 3 of them won the eu cav tournament, it's an eu plot to cut off the heads of the na cavalry for the next tourney
RiderOfMars: LOL