Author Topic: BkS_Bojangles banned?  (Read 8784 times)

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2011, 11:09:26 pm »
Bojangles just got owned by the chat log.  :lol:

I love it when that happens.  All I did was call goretooth a D&D nerd. I swear.

Your not in Agon anymore Mr Bojangles.

Who are you anyways, how does everyone know me and I don't know shit about them.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2011, 11:23:03 pm »
Who are you anyways, how does everyone know me and I don't know shit about them.

Because while you are spamming chat, the rest of us remember your very memorable rages? I can be in the middle of battle or just spectating after death and your flood of angry comments usually dominates the chat in a most memorable fashion.

I fail to understand why you can not play the game in a civil fashion. I am not asking you to be nice, I am merely asking you to act appropriately. If I walk down the street I am not assaulted by a flurry of rude comments, so why should I be assaulted in a game where I am trying to relax?

Is it too much to ask that you remain civil? If you can act appropriate in a public setting, then I assume you can act appropriate in a game where the intent is to have fun. Your hostility is growing wearisome.

I for one am tired of having to slog through your comments in chat to find the actual comments pertaining to the game, and support banning you for a solid month(or if at all possible, a permanent mute). It does not happen all the time, but it happens often enough that your rants as well as your name stick in my mind.
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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2011, 11:50:26 pm »

Because while you are spamming chat, the rest of us remember your very memorable rages? I can be in the middle of battle or just spectating after death and your flood of angry comments usually dominates the chat in a most memorable fashion.

I fail to understand why you can not play the game in a civil fashion. I am not asking you to be nice, I am merely asking you to act appropriately. If I walk down the street I am not assaulted by a flurry of rude comments, so why should I be assaulted in a game where I am trying to relax?

Is it too much to ask that you remain civil? If you can act appropriate in a public setting, then I assume you can act appropriate in a game where the intent is to have fun. Your hostility is growing wearisome.

I for one am tired of having to slog through your comments in chat to find the actual comments pertaining to the game, and support banning you for a solid month(or if at all possible, a permanent mute). It does not happen all the time, but it happens often enough that your rants as well as your name stick in my mind.

I can quit trollin, that doesn't bother me, was expecting a warning before a ban tho, also the dude knows me from Darkfall, yet I have no idea who he is.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2011, 12:12:24 am »
You were the same way in Darkfall; you spammed the forums constantly and bragged about how good you thought you were.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 12:13:39 am by Trippin »

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2011, 12:12:38 am »
Am I wrong to have found amusement in his chat log?  I said it, I'm not proud of it but tbh it was funny.  Can't a guy relax and play a game.  This isn't the real world its a steam vent - he was blowing off steam.  It's not as though you can't mute him, if I'm not in the mood for his mouth I mute him, if I'm feeling randy I don't.  Don't ask me what feeling randy is because I don't know.  It's funny he brought topics from the forum into the game though.  He is part of the community - troll or not.  I doubt Goretooth was actually offended, cmon.  Besides the living can't hear the dead, and Goretooth is typically the last to go down.  Where as Bojangles...well he's always the first.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 12:16:26 am by 1slander »
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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2011, 01:00:59 am »
Can't a guy relax and play a game.  This isn't the real world its a steam vent - he was blowing off steam.

He is part of the community - troll or not.

Rational thoughts... but yet I can not see how these two parts actually apply. I cannot honestly sit here and say he has ever brought anything more to this community than absolute frustration for others who have to put up with his trolling. He and other Bks members have flat out admitted that they are trolling quite often and then bring up the very old and tiresome classic "it's just a game!" excuse for their behavior. For this reason alone, I refuse to say he is just relaxing, playing a game, and blowing off steam. If that were the case, he wouldn't act the way he does all the time.

I have never kicked/banned Bojangles or anyone else for similar behavior. Muted? Sure. Do I think acting that way makes someone a part of the community?... personally, no. I've heard enough rants and trolling about how cRPG is not Native and saying everyone who plays here sucks and is a roleplayer, etc, etc to believe Bojangles or any of the Bks members are exactly "part of the community" here. Forgoing that, I do actually prefer to play with people that have SOME level of maturity when it comes to their behavior. I mean damn... "it's just a game" or "it's the internets! COME ON!"... sure... but when you do nothing positive and simply frustrate others to no end... you start to fall into that category of nobody wanting to play the game with you and therefore bringing nothing positive to the community.

Do I think he should have been banned for making some rude comments? Maybe... maybe not. I was present for most of it but was not paying much attention to the chat. I know he was trolling hard at one point and then banned. It's not my call to determine if he should maintain a permanent ban though... but I sure as hell don't appreciate the constant rediculous behavior any more than the next person.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2011, 01:14:16 am »
Well from what I have seen from BKS they are horribad tbh. 

I mean I'm trying to be judicial in my understanding of it and have used the mute button on more than one occassion for alot of their members - hard to differentiate between them atm.

When it bothers me the most is if I see someone start team attacking, like raising weopons at team mates, attacking needlessly if they themselves were hit by a random unintentional swing from a team mate.  Bad attitude, bad tempers, they're like a problem child you just wanna lock in a closet but can't because it's illegal and someone will find out you did it - somehow, someway.

Sure some of them are good players, have some skill.  But I haven't seen many decent attitudes from them tbh.  For the most part they haunt chat with tyranical nerdrages as well as team attack alot more than I ever think is allowable - but hey, I'm not the boss.

You're right the humour is dark, I'm forcing myself to see past something that's obviously a wrong.  The rascism, it was excessive which pushes it past a joke - I know rascism isn't a joke I'm not retarded but in the right doses I find it humorous - guess I'm a villain. 

Drop the hammer.  Permaban.  Let' all be honest here.  Well, permaban is harsh.  I call for a 2 week suspension followed up by a permaban if he comes back the same or worse.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2011, 01:14:32 am »
You were the same way in Darkfall; you spammed the forums constantly and bragged about how good you thought you were.

Who were you in Darkfall?

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2011, 01:19:05 am »
Well from what I have seen from BKS they are horribad tbh. 

Like a boss.

I love the random horribad comments thrown around, if you think we are bad duel or scrim us. Just sayin to this anon. Why have I not been givin a mute or kick, just random perma ban is retarded.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2011, 01:23:30 am »
I love the random horribad comments thrown around, if you think we are bad duel or scrim us. Just sayin to this anon. Why have I not been givin a mute or kick, just random perma ban is retarded.

ALL you guys do is start problems then attempt to lure people to native where you can duel them.  From the outside looking in it's sad.  I meant bad as in a bad attitude, this wasn't another opportunity to lure a duel.  You wouldn't want to duel me anyways.  Maybe your superiors, but not you. 

I gotta say, the ban was well deserved and a seriously long time coming.  But lets get real here, he already told you it was a 24 hour.  Who cares.  Go push kids over at the park all night, get a good nights sleep, then come back and haunt the NA servers when its all over.

Your ability to relevate both the beginning and end of a statement into one new duel challenge is laughable at best, Son.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 01:25:21 am by 1slander »
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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2011, 02:07:55 am »
Lol, i see racist comments and personal attack in that log lol. good enough for him to get banned.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2011, 07:25:28 am »
Been over 24 hours Goretooth :( still banned.

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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2011, 07:32:07 am »


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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2011, 07:58:24 am »
Been over 24 hours Goretooth :( still banned.
I can only ban gash or ecko can unban. I don't know you or knew your history till this thread was started but sounds like you got a very bad past in gaming and it didn't take you long to piss every player and admin you come across on the game just about. I only played 3 rounds at most with you and you got banned. I don't rage or care that much about getting trolled i'm used to it but you came into the server looking for a fight in the chat and don't doubt you'l ever change but like i said in the start another admin gotta take you off the list and i already said okay for the unban. Play the game and tone down the trolling/spamming/flaming in chat please.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:06:58 am by Goretooth »
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Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2011, 08:10:04 am »
If a game makes you angrier than actually enjoying playing it .. don't play it

I mean, FFS, why would you pick on others that they are actually enjoying it ? Just because you rage doesn't give you the right to talk shit. I find it sad that talkshitting is allowed and tolerated. We could have get rid of "Balton likes" much sooner and save some useless drama. People take that game way too seriously and forget the whole point of playing it to have a good time, not to rage and pick on anyone.

If what you need is attention , there are toll free numbers for that .. you don't have to bother us