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i see 0 rare items
i don't see many Great Swords and Mail mittens on the market.... Also stop trolling. (But thanks for free bump! )
Free Bump my friend
I don't want to give a feedback to molly neither i want to ban him,I wanted to give advise high authorities to take his admin rights.Panos you monkey wrench where would u put this topic enlighten me you cancer fuck.
+3 Two Handed Sword for Longsword +200K?
i can do that trade with youEDIT oh well i can't atm
Well, if you wanted my +3 Two-Handed, I'd be interested if you added some gold.. Flamberge seems to have declined in price. Don't worry, you seem to want 200k and a +3 Two Handed haha. Anyway, have a good day.
Hahahaha, pictures awesome (especially flam description) - bump for it.
Bump for hilarious pictures.