i respect chase because hes not a troll. i dont care if he gets high scores and shit like that because K:D.R in this game means NOTHING at all absolutely NOTHING
im not saying chase gets his kills from what is below because i do think hes a good player hense why i stick with him all the time BUT this is why kills dont mean anything:
Peasants - (lvl 1-18)
noobs - (New to game)
laggers - (Connection issues)
afk - (Free kill)
free kills - (Friend meeting you somewhere secret and killing him)
Rusty - (People that arnt warmed up yet)
crashed - (people crash but dont leave the server sometimes)
no weapon (people that dont have a weapon cant fight)
same goes to deaths, you can die with alot of bullshit ways so that's why kills/deaths dont mean anything.
i hope chase agrees with me on this.
i think chase is a good player but not because he gets alot of kills. i think hes a good player because:
1: he respects other players.
2: hes a very good team-player.
3: he knows what to do in alot of situations.
4: he never does a bad thing (Trolling/tking).
5: hes played for along long time.
6: he can play alot of class's.
im sure there is more but i cant think of any of the top of my head.
last but not least. there is a meow FAN SIG, panos FAN SIG alot more too