Author Topic: Changing the XP/Gold system  (Read 1725 times)

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2012, 10:57:56 am »
Quote? Would be a damn shame, cause a combination of the current and old xp system could be quite the improvement. The current system is very far from perfect.

I'm way too lazy to go out and find that post..
It has been suggested way over million times to change this gold/xp system.
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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2012, 12:43:16 am »
I see a lot of people saying that switching the system would 'cause kill-whoring and tactics would vanish. How would that change the game as it is currently?

Kill-whores will always be kill-whores regardless of the system you use.

And honestly, I don't ever really see the use of "tactics" during battle. Unless by tactics you mean your team splitting up and running in different directions as they get slaughtered by the team that stuck together. Or 1 team camping a hill, or ruins. That's pretty much the extent of tactics we get around here.

The multi system itself has just been bad for the community. It's caused a lot of bad attitudes and a lot of dickish behavior. As a x5 is DRAMATICALLY better than a x1, people will do every dickish thing possible to try to hold onto that x5. I've been in many games where a team that has had a string of x1's purposefully tried to draw by making sure the flags don't come up and then running away just so the other team will lose their x5. Hell, they planned it in team chat. It's all because of the multipliers that things like that happen.

When you're on the other side of a clan-stack your chances of getting anything other than an x1 are pretty low, though you may luck out with an x2 every once in a while. If you're not on the clan-stack side, you'll be rolling that x1 for quite a while.

If we got rid of the multi system, leeching will be a thing of the past. If you are required to actually do something (like stay close to the fight and stay alive) it puts the onus on you to do something instead of your team. Admins will also not have to worry about leechers anymore and can focus their attention on people who are really being dicks.

The multi system is not a good system and never has been. It needs to go. The only good thing that came out of it is upkeep, which should definitely stay. But I think the rest of that failed experiment needs to go.
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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2012, 12:55:08 am »
Not to mention that putting the onus on the individual player should help tactics arise independently, even if it's just the matter of a bunch of people blobbing together to crash into another blob.

Every so often you might see people pressure a flank that could give and lead the team to victory, that'd be cool.

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2012, 05:39:43 pm »
I see a lot of people saying that switching the system would 'cause kill-whoring and tactics would vanish. How would that change the game as it is currently?

Kill-whores will always be kill-whores regardless of the system you use.

Right now people kill whore for only vanity purposes, knowing it's hurting their team if they ignore good players and chase peasants, or TW. It would be A LOT worse if kill whoring was given direct cash/xp incentive ontop of current vanity purposes.

And honestly, I don't ever really see the use of "tactics" during battle. Unless by tactics you mean your team splitting up and running in different directions as they get slaughtered by the team that stuck together. Or 1 team camping a hill, or ruins. That's pretty much the extent of tactics we get around here.

That's still tactics, if a team loses twice in a row, and then someone screams a lot to go in another direction instead and it works. Cuz the objective is team victory so people are more receptive to things that can earn them a multi. While on a kill only system the only incentive is to cheese personal kills.

The multi system itself has just been bad for the community. It's caused a lot of bad attitudes and a lot of dickish behavior. As a x5 is DRAMATICALLY better than a x1, people will do every dickish thing possible to try to hold onto that x5. I've been in many games where a team that has had a string of x1's purposefully tried to draw by making sure the flags don't come up and then running away just so the other team will lose their x5. Hell, they planned it in team chat. It's all because of the multipliers that things like that happen. .

The devs fixed the flag issues. You can't do that kind of stuff to force out a draw, flags will appear now. Again tho, you are really reaching if you think making the focus on individual kills instead of team victory will decrease dickish behavior. All it will do is add all kinds of incentive for people to play selfishly and fuckover teammates for kills.

When you're on the other side of a clan-stack your chances of getting anything other than an x1 are pretty low, though you may luck out with an x2 every once in a while. If you're not on the clan-stack side, you'll be rolling that x1 for quite a while.

If we got rid of the multi system, leeching will be a thing of the past. If you are required to actually do something (like stay close to the fight and stay alive) it puts the onus on you to do something instead of your team. Admins will also not have to worry about leechers anymore and can focus their attention on people who are really being dicks.

The multi system is not a good system and never has been. It needs to go. The only good thing that came out of it is upkeep, which should definitely stay. But I think the rest of that failed experiment needs to go.

That's a sledgehammer solution to issues that can be fixed with minor tweaks. The clan stack is really a cav stack. Notice PRO doesn't do so hot on inf maps or on siege? Nerf Cav and that issue is neutered. Leeching can be cut down by moe aggressive adminning. I did propose some scoring system that can add more performance bonus tho, but a full  shift back to kill system would not have great results.

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2012, 06:06:19 pm »

i suggested to simply cut in half  "global xp-gold" and     put back old xp system,  so a way to keep both systems,    global is good, but cant be the only system since it not premiate at all the effort of the players.

so something like 500xp 25 gold every minute at x1

and 50 xp 1-3 gold for kill/shared kill/ kill around your zone.

Another thing i never liked, is  why if i sourvive and dress with very high cost stuff, at end of a long round of battle, i have bigger % of pay upkeep , instead get a bonus?(imho ppl who survive and win the round should have a bonus )    ffs i am alive i maybe killed 10 ppl during the round and i pay all the price, while a stupid paesant afk at spawn, will get  the x5  exactly like me
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 06:09:55 pm by Vicious666 »

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2012, 06:41:11 pm »
Things I don't like about multi:

-promotes win at all costs mentality
-promotes rage directed at other players
-makes other players overly concerned with what others are doing, example: 'LEECH!, he not helping me get my multi, kick/ban poll!' etc.

But the biggest reason is:

-very frustrating since winning or losing is largely out of your control so you just have to hope you get lucky. Or you can take the lame route and use a banner of a good clan.

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2012, 07:00:35 pm »
this game has maybe the best xp system i've ever seen (at least from my point of view).  keep it like it is now.
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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2012, 09:06:50 pm »
Things I don't like about multi:

-promotes win at all costs mentality
-promotes rage directed at other players
-makes other players overly concerned with what others are doing, example: 'LEECH!, he not helping me get my multi, kick/ban poll!' etc.

As opposed to kill at all costs mentality? Raging at people who get your kills or get in your way?

But the biggest reason is:

-very frustrating since winning or losing is largely out of your control so you just have to hope you get lucky. Or you can take the lame route and use a banner of a good clan.

Completely untrue. If you perform well you've definitely done a part in helping your team and increasing the odds of a victory. Getting 5-10 kills/assist vs dieing right away certain makes a difference...

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2012, 09:11:05 pm »
Completely untrue. If you perform well you've definitely done a part in helping your team and increasing the odds of a victory. Getting 5-10 kills/assist vs dieing right away certain makes a difference...

Well, depends. On a full server I often see good players running with 23:2 and still being stuck in the losing team. Sure, without him they would have lost even harder, and if there was only one more player like him they could turn it to a victory, but again this is something out of the control of this 23:2 player.

I still think the standard battle mode in cRPG should be won by conquering flags, not by killing the enemy team. I think this would remove a lot of the bad behaviour we currently have on the servers.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Offline Lichen

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Re: Changing the XP/Gold system
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2012, 09:32:30 pm »
As opposed to kill at all costs mentality? Raging at people who get your kills or get in your way?
I would like to see xp and gold rewards based on your individual performance somehow.

If you perform well you've definitely done a part in helping your team and increasing the odds of a victory. Getting 5-10 kills/assist vs dieing right away certain makes a difference...
Of course but it's still is no guarantee of a multi. A player can do very well individually and yet still loses. Lot of effort with no reward. While a player can also do very bad or simply not even try much and luck out by being on the winning team.  Little effort big reward.