I watched a bunch of RoS streams when the beta was going on it's pretty decent.
I honestly think most people here have an opinion without even buying the game.
Had Diablo 3 pre-ordered, have many hours on Diablo and a fuck ton more on Diablo 2, most likely thousands, which I still sometimes install to play again for a while nowadays. My conclusion, even after all this time, is that Diablo 3 is a fucking abomination to the game series, whilst it does look fairly nice, has a good atmosphere and some other eye candy stuff, the core of the Diablo part of the game was torn out and replaced with some generic bullshit.
Not only that but they also fucked the game up further by allowing real currency to become apart of the game, regardless of them planning to remove that sometime in March, the damage has already been done. Also, PVP, lol what the fuck, I waited fucking ages for PVP and still it never came, then when it finally did, wow what a shitfest. Diablo 3, biggest waste of money in recent years.
All they had to do was look at the successes of Diablo 2, carry them over, remove the cons, add new DECENT features, release with a decent PVP, improve all eye candy and atmosphere aspects and so on, instant success. Instead they decided to make the game from scratch and amazingly somehow they managed to make a worst game and just happened to sneak in a real currency auction house that nabbed a % of the trades made for their wallets, what a fucking surprise. I thought Blizzard made enough off of the WoW bundle of stickss but then they decided to shit all over the Diablo franchise, sadly all of the Diablo fans that bought the game out of love for the series, just happened to get shit all over their god damn fucking tits too, I can still smell it on my nips.
So yeah, fuck Blizzard and fuck Diablo 3, Blizzard is another company in the gaming industry to completely sell out, it's always been a business but people in these companies used to have passion and want to deliver a decent game for the people buying it, now it's just about sucking as much money out of peoples wallets whilst releasing games with less soul than flappybird. Nowadays all the REAL games are coming from indie developers who deserve the money they get, because they're delivering solid products with all kinds of awesome gameplay and ideas.
Fuck you Diablo you prick, I'm reinstalling D2 just to fucking drop gold coins all over Diablos corpse to feed the greedy mother fuckers soul.