Author Topic: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)  (Read 3801 times)

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2011, 06:31:29 am »
This kept happening to me while engaged in fighting today.  Having gigantic red letters block the left half of you screen while you are fighting is pretty bad.  The movement keys should be what is used to get rid of the timer and clear your screen (maybe spam some 1 letter lines).  The 'M' key is rather rough to hit with your left hand fighting using an ergonomics keyboard.  I have no idea why you can do this to the opposite team.

Back to the OP the admins did end up handling it though.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 06:34:01 am by Thrasher »

Offline Vieuxcrotter

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2011, 06:57:51 am »
That system should be reworked and tweaked.

Here is my ideas:

1- The time reset as soon as your character move.
2- Remove the multiplier bonus (that will stop the griefing) ---> Also keep in mind the actual system can lead to stat padding and exploit by clan members that can boost their friends multiplier by nominating a friend constantly and increasing their multiplier.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2011, 07:03:36 am »
2- Remove the multiplier bonus (that will stop the griefing) ---> Also keep in mind the actual system can lead to stat padding and exploit by clan members that can boost their friends multiplier by nominating a friend constantly and increasing their multiplier.

I agree on this. The leecher function should only be used in a last resort if an admin is not on or is too busy to kick the player. It shouldn't give you a reward.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2011, 07:33:52 am »
Someone has nominated me as a leacher on more than one occassion. One guy earlier watched me for at least a couple minutes while I jumped around at the flag in a seige, then all the sudden he declared I was a leacher. Not sure if some of these people find it amuzing, but there was no cause for it to have happened at any time.
Anyone that has played with me knows I am actively involved and looking to have fun playing!

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2011, 08:11:26 am »
+1 for OP. great summary of the state of the server.

the threshold for banning needs to be quite a bit lower.  The amount of effort someone has to put in to get someone gone for a week or something it just isnt worth it, so they'll take matters into their own hands.  Admins are much to lenient on repeat offenders and known asshats.

Server needs a script that as soon as the last admin leaves, polls are re-enabled and if someone is kicked they CANNOT rejoin instantly.

When you disable polls and your polls have no power to begin with, vigilante justice is the only means to defend yourself and your team.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2011, 08:21:28 am »
I'm extremely disappoint that people really aren't reading my posts.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2011, 09:43:55 am »
The points I would like to currently make clear in this thread are:
1. that to me, who plays there a lot (just like Mala, DrD, Veiux, LLJK blob, Digglez, Kabookie an the others I frequently love/kill/see)
it seems like the people currently with admin on NA Siege don't actually play there very often
(which is totally not their fault, and I am not attacking anyone- I'm just trying to help efficiently solve the problem;
starting with making people aware it is a problem that needs solving if they want the most populous NA server to be run in a manner that good, honest players, who are the majority, will want to play in and/or donate to).

2. that there needs to be an admin on, or voting on all the time.

The reason we need an admin or voting ALL THE TIME, is that we're not dealing with normal people in NA Siege/CRPG/Warband;
we're dealing with unreasonable kids who have almost zero accountability over the internet.
If they can get away with it, they will.

Yes, I play a lot, which means I see a lot more bullshit (and cry more), but I also see more of what is really going on overall.
Being on a lot I see the same names, doing the same douchey rule break/bending every time they are on the server.
It's not that many people- I should make a physical list to add to my mental one really-
but even if the server has only 30-40 people, there is often one person bringing everyone else down with them;
and one is all it takes to change the atmosphere, mood and attitude of everyone around them.

Let's get proper gameplay flowing again; the leecher reporting troll feature has disrupted it enough as it is.
Thank you for stopping by, and good night.
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No true warrior would allow another to suffer unjust disgrace or begrudge him the fruits of a well-earned victory."

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #37 on: May 30, 2011, 10:14:04 am »
I, and many other admins I know are on the siege server for multiple hours a day. As nindurr said we're not paid to admin the server. We do it because we want to help the community, and make sure people are having fun. Having an admin on 24/7 is unrealistic. Especially for really late night/early morning hours.

Again I will say voting is abused constantly mostly because people don't read the god damn rules to know the guidelines for even using the polls. So it ends up causing lots of problems.

I know that it only takes one person to send the server into chaos. I've dealt with those sort of situations first hand, but as for getting more admins it's easier said than done. Not a lot of people are willing or mature enough to do it. All of the admins who regular the siege server devote a lot of their time to do so. I feel as if our work is going unappreciated here. Take more notice of the good rather than only posting of the bad.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 10:18:18 am by Geon »

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #38 on: May 30, 2011, 10:29:41 am »
While PMing with Chaosegg I wrote this up. I believe it's a good addition to this thread.

It's kind of hard to determine what deserves a kick/ban, and what doesn't. You have to take time out to join spectators(which I do) after clearing up 1: who the player is 2: what team he is on 3: what is he doing, and to whom.

You don't jump to conclusions unless of course he is spamming tks or something. Players deserve a right to be judged by an admin/peers before being punished. However the main problem is that the peers don't know the rules either. Or are waaaayyyyy too hasty on the poll.

It needs to be discussed - Like is this person also breaking the rules that you've noticed? I try hard anytime I am in the server to make sure people are playing in a way that they aren't ruining other people's play. What you can do as a player is to remind people of these sort of things. It will help relieve some of the need to even have an admin on.

Just to have the players that aren't idiots to let each other know how it should be done. If I'm not in game you can probably reach me on IRC under the name Geon. All in all rather than recruiting more admins (which is hard) the player-base who is serious about the game needs to take up different tactics on dealing with trouble makers.

Please enjoy my lazy formatting.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2011, 07:20:28 pm »
I think all the NA Siege admins come on around the same time which is the main problem.  I try to jump on when I'm free and clean up the server but when things get busy its hard to make time.  We probably do need a eu type admin who can play from 4am-noon cst since thats the most abused timeslot.  I agree the ban threashold should be lowered and I usually start with temp ban for tking and spawn teamwounders.  I'd recommend the other admins do the same.  If they come back go straight to perm ban and let the forums sort it out.  Theres very little excuse for spawn teamwounding or teamkilling.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2011, 11:39:28 pm »
I have proposed a new system of Admin for the NA servers to the other head admins, I anticipate that it will be accepted by all of them.......expect to see some changes soon!

Also, moderators we have 3 THreads dealing with the same issue running right now, you should close at least 2 of them!