WARNING: Reading this means you understand that my illiterate dumbass self wrote this and most likley it will suck.
Well I have noticed we had a clan of the so called %1. The %1 of the players who get %99 of the kills. I was thinking that perahaps somone should make a clan for the other %98 of us. I was wondering if this could fill that order.
The clan of Douche Bag. This would be a clan consisting of me and a few people whose soul purpose is to be DoucheBags. Considering the fact I already am I don't see any conflicting issues. The reason I post here is I was wondering if someone was abused and or sodomized by a douchebag or has some other BS reason to Flame me because it affends you. I was wondering if the Tag Douchebag would be fine? If we follow the rules in out dick baggery ways there would be no issue? I mean after all we would basicly just be Chaos or Hospitaller with a different name. So can I?