Author Topic: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?  (Read 1653 times)

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Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« on: March 17, 2011, 07:48:41 pm »
I keep hearing how weapon lengths and speeds are different depending on their grip and weapon category.  For example, one should not compare the 100 length/speed stat on a 1h sword with a 100 length/speed stat on a pole arm or 2h weapon.  This is extremely confusing for new players (including me!).

Can we PLEASE get updated weapon stats in the Shop (or at least some kind of guide) that shows objective weapon strike ranges and speed ratings regardless of weapon style?

We could perhaps average the overhead and side swings to determine the average strike range of a weapon, and thereby determine accurate weapon-to-weapon comparisons.

Is this a possibility, or am I just dreaming a noobies dream?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:52:39 pm by Garison »

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 08:10:05 pm »
I agree, or someone could post how much every attack increases range per weapon category and how much for example polearm grip decreases range and sticky it.

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 08:24:04 pm »
Someone could move this over to "suggestions" if it would get more notice there (or if I posted in the wrong place0  :oops:

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 08:28:58 pm »
(click to show/hide)

I don't think there is a list of animation speeds.

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 08:52:53 pm »
(click to show/hide)

I don't think there is a list of animation speeds.

Oh, this is very good!  Thank you.  I think it would be better if the shop's stats reflected these actual lengths, no?

Now we need some animation speeds to actually compare different weapons...

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 09:21:42 pm »

Oh, this is very good!  Thank you.  I think it would be better if the shop's stats reflected these actual lengths, no?

Now we need some animation speeds to actually compare different weapons...

I don't think there's much point in adding these figures to the shop since they're per weapon type anyway. The only weapon that differs from the weapon type norm is the flamberge because it uses both 2h and polearm animations.

As to speed, that might just be a myth. I just tested this on the duel server, by seeing how many of a certain type of attack I could do in a minute (I repeated each run 3 times, so 3x 1 minute for each direction). Only done 2hs so far but with 1 wpf and a 98 speed weapon (bastard sword) I got 54-55 attacks for all directions. Gonna test 1hs now.

Just tested 1hs and polearms, again 1 wpf 98 speed weapons (long arming sword and spear) 1 minute runs, each time 54-55 attacks. Myth busted imo.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 09:39:18 pm by IG_Saint »

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 09:55:46 pm »
Now we need some animation speeds to actually compare different weapons...

I have already determined the duration of the different weapon animations. However, the "speeds" of different animations and weapons can not be directly compared as the relative position of the combatants, the damage a melee weapon inflicts, and how much armor the struck player is wearing partially determine how much time an attack must be traveling before it will land a hit that does damage, which is what most people are actually talking about when they say a weapon is fast or slow. What I can say is that there is a negligable difference in the time taken to complete a thrust, overhead, or slash attack for a weapon, and the time taken to complete an attack with a one-hand weapon, two-handed weapon, or polearm used two-handed with 1 proficiency is given by the following equation:

Time to complete an attack with a one-hand weapon, two-handed weapon, or polearm used with two-hands with 1 proficiency = 2.3368 seconds - 0.0124 seconds * weapon speed

For one-hand/two-hand weapons like bastard swords and polearms used with a shield (including those without penalty with shield):

Time to complete an attack with a one-hand/two-hand weapon used with a shield with 1 proficiency = 3.257 seconds - 0.0195 seconds * weapon speed

Increasing the proficiency with a weapon type reduces the time taken to complete an attack by about 6.5% per 100 proficiency. Agility does not directly impact the time taken to complete an attack.

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 10:41:57 pm »
Just out of curiousity I decided to do some testing on the practice dummies in the tutorial. I tested how many hits per minutes I could do hitting air, hitting the dummy from a short distance, hitting the dummy from a long distance, turning with the attack, turnstabbing, random direction of attacks. Every time I got values between 60 and 64 with no clear spread between the different test types. These tests were all done with a staff.

Like Walt said though, there's a difference between attacks per minute and effective attacks. Effective attacks can't really be tested because they depend on so many things (weapon speed, weapon damage, damage type, wpf, ps, enemy armour, your armour, speed bonus, probably some more things).

On a different issues, I found that hitting the dummy from long distance did do more damage than hitting from face hugging range (24 vs 16 on average). More testing would need to be done to confirm this though, since I only tested it with a polearm.

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Re: Weapon Lengths/speed guide?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2011, 10:49:21 pm »
Just out of curiousity I decided to do some testing on the practice dummies in the tutorial. I tested how many hits per minutes I could do hitting air, hitting the dummy from a short distance, hitting the dummy from a long distance, turning with the attack, turnstabbing, random direction of attacks. Every time I got values between 60 and 64 with no clear spread between the different test types. These tests were all done with a staff.

Like Walt said though, there's a difference between attacks per minute and effective attacks. Effective attacks can't really be tested because they depend on so many things (weapon speed, weapon damage, damage type, wpf, ps, enemy armour, your armour, speed bonus, probably some more things).

On a different issues, I found that hitting the dummy from long distance did do more damage than hitting from face hugging range (24 vs 16 on average). More testing would need to be done to confirm this though, since I only tested it with a polearm.
Yeah, if you hit with the tip of a swing or when a thrust is partially extended (not just started or at the furthest point) does the most damage.
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