A philosophical question!
If you would duel someone else, say, of the same skill level (both player and character) - with the noteable difference that the one who dies is rewarded with permadeath (all generations, all heirlooms, all XP gone) - would the fight be different? How? Would the players make more mistakes due to being nervous?
i would use many alt char to learn manual blocking, never use a shield again and respec with level loss to 2h, then i wouldn't duel out of fear loosing 26 generations and 34 lvl and all the crap i grinded. Basicly it would come down to not dueling.
But if you would offer the winner half of the xp of the player which is been deleted + gold and looms of him. I would take my chances ;) still only with those who dont know to kickslash or use chrushthrough ... hey i maybe a my old friendot but not a stupid one ^^
Would the playes make more mistakes ... it builds up a lot of pressure. 3600 hours playingtime invested into one toon and then puff gone ... i would get sweaty hands and perhaps install a quickexit big RED button which i could hit to cut my powerline ... na i didn't loose i just lost connection sry