i think you dont know anything about hashasins everybody knows that they use hash. Please look internet and historical books for it and i dont like racist people so please next time you wont say anything about our history
I think I know tons more about them than you do. Wait, actually, I know I do. It's a myth created by a few ill-informed people but popularized by Marco Polo (who was generally full of shit) who took the word "hashishi" which at the time when it was used by the enemies of the Nizari Ismailis meant "outcast" and "rabble".
Wikipedia had a shitty page about it a couple years back which was written by misinformed people, but it's decent now.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassins and go to "etymology."
Not only is there no proof of their use of hashish there's TONS of circumstantial evidence that disproves it. Logistics for one.
Also: I'm a racist because I'm telling you that "your people" didn't use drugs? K. Guilty as charged, then.