
How my admining officer?

I want to replace you
18 (12.2%)
15 (10.2%)
Okay, through you miss the target
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66 (44.9%)
HOLYSHIT Y U BANN ME bundle of sticks
39 (26.5%)

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Author Topic: [NA] Muki  (Read 29477 times)

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Offline Muki

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Re: [NA] Muki
« Reply #240 on: August 20, 2013, 04:06:29 am »
Well if Cyranule didn't approve of you impersonating him you would be the one requested to change your name
(probably would receive a ban too for griefing him if he that upset about it or the actions you did while impersonating him)

I handled that case here

And here a word from Kalam when I asked around the Admin forums
I believe as long as the first person with the name is okay with it, it's alright.

The player in question should know the risk what his doppelganger could/would do with his name.

Notice I didn't answer your last question I would recommend him to tell his "friend" to change name since we do know that he had that character name before his doppel did. If force is needed it there  always a option to post on the forums about the problem 

Problem in the lilly case is I noir do any of the other admin I believe; know who had the name lilly_lefluer first, they could always try adding numbers(aka apply a namechange to get those numbers) to their name to distinguish themselves. i.e Chinaserf (x,y,z...etc)

With the limitation of the game chat not being able to tell the difference between I and l  if the case of CyranuIe and Cyranule  both being in the server and an admin being present in the tking rampage would it be better to let the rampage continue or ban both so the other players can enjoy themselves.

Through you are quite right about waiting for the logs, but still I most likely follow my senior colleagues advice on how to handle strange/unique "events".
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 05:06:25 am by Muki »
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As a volunteer admin I clearly have no life and live only to eradicate all fun and enjoyment from the game. Your tears of rage are all the payment I need.
Yes I drew most of my avatars

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Re: [NA] Muki
« Reply #241 on: August 20, 2013, 10:08:56 pm »
Ban both and later check logs to see who actually did it. 

For the record there is someone running around as CyranuIe_BRD. 
He doesn't seem to teamkill much but he's awfully bad whoever it is.   

Offline Sparvico

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Re: [NA] Muki
« Reply #242 on: August 23, 2013, 03:38:22 am »
A little trigger happy, but overall doing a fine job.
Mossback_Westwood: "I swear 2 my semitic God if you give me this bundle of sticks's address I'll cut off his ear and eat it"

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