steam name: donmkim
Started playing april 7th, the time I got kicked I did not run someone over intentionally,
I just unlocked my pony and I shot my arrow and did a turn around and there was a guy
with green armor and I didn't see icon over the head so I charged at him with my horse.
I am sorry if that really hurt you somehow cause I ran you over.
As for 'dodging' mute, it usually works like that in every game, you get muted then
all you have to do is rejoin, the first time I got muted I wasn't sure if it was a mistake
or if someone actually got offended by the joke I made so I simply rejoined, second time
I got muted I rejoined looking for an explanation, but half way through discussing it with
you, you muted and kicked me...
I am sorry if you're hurt by something that I said, or cause I knocked you over with my pony,
but really? cut me some slack, there's more directly offensive crap being thrown around
all the time, so I honestly thought that it was a lax community where offensive language etc...
wasn't really an issue. Now I know.