Constructive criticism:
- The Top Gun clips really didn't mesh well with the horse and pokey stick against infantry. The clips were all of dogfighting which may have worked had you been chasing and fighting other cavalry, sort of a medieval dogfight. I think bowling clips would have worked much better and would have added a bit of humor.
- You may want to consider cutting back on the length of inserted clips. The Top Gun clips stole focus from the cRPG video mainly due to their length. I found myself watching Top Gun with some distracting horseplay thrown in.
- The music was sort of all over. I suggest picking a genre of music and sticking with that type throughout the video, some exceptions apply of course, and stay clear of heavy/death metal.
- Try chosing music that fits the feel of what you are trying to portray. For example: The above mentioned cavalry chase would have worked well with the Top Gun theme, Lady Gaga not so much.
- I got distracted by your typing and throwing in "fucking bullshit" because you got handled in melee was pretty much showing your ass.
Overall, not that great, but I do hope you will continue to make more.
After watching this I don't understand the appeal of playing cav, easymode might be an understatement.
I now know why I get bumped by friendly cav so much. Heroic knight on horseback sees squishy peasant and immediately gets tunnel vision, no fucks are given to friendlys in his path.