Clean it out completely. It kinda looks disgusting. then buy:
- Zwiebeln (onions)
- Voll-/Mehrkorn Sandwich-Toast
- Hinterkoch-schinken (boiled Ham)
- Salami/Paprika-Salami
- Cornichons (mini-gürkchen im Glas)
- Schaschlik-Gewürzketchup
- Käsescheiben deiner Wahl (Cheese Slices)
- Dänische Röstzwiebeln (Cronions: )
- Remoulade/Sandwich-Sauce
- Fleischküchle/Frikadellen (Faschierte Leibchen - rissoles)
- Paprika
- Peperoni (falls gewünscht)
- Milk
- Juice
You will usually not need more than that. You can choose what to put on the sandwich (i wouldnt put all the meat on it together, that would be too much) and you can decide if you want to fry it in the pan before (Like the Frikadellen) or the Kochschinken.
Maybe buy some Tagliatelle/Bandnudeln, Hinterkochschinken, Salami, Eggs, Cheese to make some Schinkennudeln
The Beer sucks. Go and get some frankonian Beer. Veldensteiner, Wolfshöher, ...
Do not put that coffee in the fridge. Better stop drinking it completely.
B3RS3RK: Hes gay. There are no womenz on teh interwebz! <= remember that.