I think we should rework rain completely.
If you're wearing cloth, you become heavier, because the cloth is getting wet.
If you're wearing metal, you need to pay extra upkeep, so that it doesn't rust up.
If you're wearing plate, you should start stumbling into the ground randomly because of the mud (since, as cRPG experiences rain a good [made-up high percentage] of the time, the entire battlefield should be comprised only of mud), on top of the extra upkeep.
Reduce the penalty to crossbows and bows from rain.
Reduce movement penalty to make sure cloth-wearers aren't moving slower than a molasses flood
if anyone calls me out on the molasses flood, fuck Boston and fuck you. Or wherever it happened.
Also, make the rain
really loud, and add incredibly loud wind sound effects that won't do anything but annoy everyone.
I have no clue whether or not I'm being sarcastic, or asking for the butterfly to break the camel's back.