For the record, Agility DOES increase swing speed. Ive done crpg testing, it goes up clearly.
+3 AGI = +20 WPF
For swing speed increases
That said...
The new WPF scaling system is yet another thing that is "forced equality"
Where everyone has roughly the same WPF and armor. The problem it causes in this situation is that the same AGI is less valuable, while STR is still just as valuable.
The update just gimps AGI builds.....which was never needed, they were weak to begin with.
+1 to everything except
The update just gimps AGI builds.....which was never needed, they were weak to begin with.
The balb builds out there were OP... BUT they only worked because of a lack of level cap (level 40s were very possible) and the WPF carry-over per generation.
The issue with AGI right now is the wpf scaling. If you went all strength build, you SHOULD be able to get outspammed by a high agility build. Why? Because 1 hitting is completely possible, as we have been discussing in another thread.
For the sake of this discussion, we will be using this all-strength build with a Great Long Axe (46c)
* Strength: 30
* Agility: 6
* Hit points: 82
* Unused skill points: 5
* Converted: 2
* Ironflesh: 10
* Power Strike: 10
* Shield: 0
* Athletics: 2
* Riding: 0
* Horse Archery: 0
* Power Draw: 0
* Power Throw: 0
* Weapon Master: 2
* One Handed: 1
* Two Handed: 125
* Polearm: 1
* Archery: 1
* Crossbow: 1
* Throwing: 1
here's a few of the figures
Weapon damage *
Power Strike Bonus *
WPF bonus *
Speed Bonus +
Strength Bonus (under debate!) =
Raw Damage((
46 *
(1 + 0.80) *
(1 + ((125 / 200) * .015)) *
(1 + 0.15) +
(30 - 14)) =
112.112687Here is the calculations without the debated strength bonus
46 *
(1 + 0.80) *
(1 + ((125 / 200) * .015)) *
(1 + 0.15))) =
94.0232812Now we can calculate the armor
For this test, we will calculate out damage soak with three different types of armor. Light armor (Studded Leather Coat, 30 body armor,) Medium Armor (Cuir Bouilli over Mail, 45 body armor,) and the heaviest armor, (Black Armor, 60 body armor.)
We will also be calculating out armor at average effectiveness, lowest effectiveness, and highest effectiveness. The formula we are using is as follows.
Base effective armor *
(0.5 through 1.0 armor effectiveness) *
Damage type soak=
total damage reduction from armorLowest effective armor, Studded Leather Coat
30 *
0.5 *
total damage reduction from armor 12Average effective armor, Studded Leather Coat
30 *
0.75 *
total damage reduction from armor 18Highest effective armor, Studded Leather Coat
30 *
1.0 *
total damage reduction from armor 24Lowest effective armor, Cuir Boulli over Mail
45 *
0.5 *
total damage reduction from armor 18Average effective armor, Cuir Boulli over Mail
45 *
0.75 *
total damage reduction from armor 27Highest effective armor, Cuir Boulli over Mail
45 *
1.0 *
total damage reduction from armor 36Lowest effective armor, Black Armor over Mail
60 *
0.5 *
total damage reduction from armor 24Average effective armor, Black Armor over Mail
60 *
0.75 *
total damage reduction from armor 36Highest effective armor, Black Armor over Mail
60 *
1.0 *
total damage reduction from armor 48Here is the result
Light armor, ineffective armor roll 112 - 12= 100
Light armor, ineffective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 12= 80
Light armor, average armor roll 112 - 18= 94
Light armor, average armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 18= 74
Light armor, ineffective armor roll, 112 - 24= 88
Light armor, most effective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 24= 68
Medium armor, ineffective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 112 - 18= 94
Medium armor, ineffective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 18= 74
Medium armor, average armor roll 112- 27= 85
Medium armor, average armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 27= 65
Medium armor, most effective armor roll 112 - 36= 76
Medium armor, most effective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 36= 56
Heaviest armor, ineffective armor roll 112 - 24= 88
Heaviest armor, ineffective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 24= 68
Heaviest armor, average armor roll 112 - 36= 76
Heaviest armor, average armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 36= 56
Heaviest armor, most effective armor roll 112 - 48= 64
Heaviest armor, most effective armor roll, no strength damage bonus 92 - 48= 44
Characters start off with 35 life. To calculate their life, we can use this formula
35 + (Strength - 3) + (Ironflesh level * 2) = Final life
for a character with 15 Strength and 5 IF we would get
35 + (15 - 3) + (5 * 2)= 57
for a character with 12 Strength and 4 IF we would get
35 + (12 - 3) + (4 * 2)= 52
for a strength build character with 30 strength and 10 IF we get the following
35 + (30 - 3) + (10 * 2)= 82
To sum it up, if you use a strength build character, unless the character you hit is also a strength build character, you can easily one-shot an opponent even if they are in the heaviest of armor.