If you're so concerned, donate money and/or go there to help the people, don't talk about your feelings on a game forum. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. It's on the news so you're supposed to be sad and sympathetic, right? So like good little sheeple you come and write how your "thoughts" are with them, only to forget about it in the next second and go back to your luxurious life. You've already done enough good for the day, right? You can feel good about yourself, assume the moral highground and shake your head in dismay at the people... *gasp*... making fun of it. What's that, anyways? Don't those people know that they're supposed to feel sad for something happening half the world away?! Geesh! Here's a newsflash for you: People are dying all the time. What's happening in Japan is small time. 150,000 people die every day. Think about that - yeah, think. Now feel sorry for them all. Have a special place in your thoughts for them. Talk about your feelings on the forums. What's that, you don't have time to do anything else? Well that's alright then, it's okay to be selective about people. Let's just limit ourselves to feeling sorry (as if that does any fucking good) for the events the media wants us to feel sorry for. After that, close the TV or computer, go to sleep and go back to your 9 to 5 job (or studying so you can get one). Cheers, people, a toast for that.
Words are cheap, how many of you are actually doing something?