"Guys! People are using bannerbalance to dominate a server! Please turn bannerbalance on, on the other one so we can bannerstack there instead!"
Look. If you don't want to be bannerstacked against, just go EU_5, BECAUSE there is no bannerbalance there. If you want to fight with your clanmates, go EU_2 and fight with/against Grey & Co. Not that hard. Stop being mad because you guys are beaten in the "who can stack the most dudes" competition.
EDIT: Just for the record. I would like EU_5 to also have bannerbalance, because I like to play with my clanmates (the few of us who are on) no matter what server I am in, and EU_2 is very often full. I actually like it when Grey & Co stack, because then we have to use better tactics, teamwork and strategic thinking to win, not just raping randomers, and other useless people, like we normally do. Hell, today at EU_2 I got in the opposite team of Grey & Co. You know what I did? I started typing orders/suggestions in chat, most of my team started following it (Woody1's awesome reply "He might be annoying, but he got a good plan", made me laugh out loud
) and we won some of the rounds. Those we lost? Those were because
we I did a bad call/came up with a bad plan, or we got outsmarted. Those were also some of the closest fights I'd seen and were REALLY fun.