This guy is something special. I believe he deserves global ban considering he was recently globally banned as well. (,28550.msg417673.html)
Here are some screenshots with a story:
1. He was standing with shield on our gate, generally being useless so I kicked him to the side to clear some room for thrusting with my poleaxe. He retaliates by starting to team attack me and stops when I start pressing M.
2. He is randomly typing out some nasty things like this:
3. Calling ban polls without reason(because someone is "asshole"):
4. Again team attacking someone until he is kicked out of server:
1. I was waiting for the enemies to break the gate so I can kill them, problem with that? You teamwounded me 2 times the first round, (even you didn't say sorry I assumed it was accident at this point) on the 2nd round you teamwounded me once and kicked like 4-5 times, wich made me think that you were doing it on purpose. At the 2nd round, after that teamwound and kicks I hit you twice with my sword.
2. Yeah, cut all the other chat and take one sentence from there. I don't really see what's wrong with that, most of the people were talking shit like that.
3. He indeed was asshole, he kept kicking me and blocking my view when I tried to shoot down the walls with xbow. That's enough of a reason to poll him IMO.
4. Shit happens.
5. Get a life, stop crying over some bullshit you start by yourself.