This is one thing i hate, Fucking bs archers saying get a shield. I would get a shield if my build would allow it. I could waste some points to shield skill it might be very usefull too, but then the other problem is the slots. I have no fucking room for shield as a cav(lance and 2h sword 4/4 slots) i think as cav you should have lets say about room for like 3 2-slot weapons or shield etc, you carry lance and shield for example and your horse carrys the thrid weapon (2h sword) so now stop saying "get shield you cunt"
off the topic a little but make a only archer server, would be great to see few archers on the rest of the servers , archers are really killing the fun.
Wow... there are still people believing the "get a shield" fallacy
Getting a shield :
- Makes you slower, which means you'll never reach the runners anyway. Trying to dodge with the shield down will result in failure. Trying to dodge with the shield up... well yeah but you need your shield down in order to move faster than a peasant in gothic plate.
- Does not protect you effectively, as an a projectile coming at you in an angle that isn't exactly where you are looking at will hit you anyway
- Steals you skill points, which could be invested in useful skills such as PS or athletics
- Does not protect any of your teammates. When it does, you don't move and are being useless.
- Breaks. Fast.
- In the case you manage to reach a ranged player, does not help you at all fighting him. Slows down your attacks and you movement and forces you into using weapons with short reach, which means you are subject to being trapped into a block battle, kicked, and reach abused.
- Is supposed to "bump" ranged players you come in contact with, but that "bump" is a joke from M&B devs, as it basically does nothing and happens more or less one hour after you finally reached your target.
respec. cav+1h+shield.
get a shield u cunt.
Mentioning cav when I suppose you are trying to list ranged counters makes me think you have no idea how things work ingame. The only class in this game that is remotely close to a ranged counter without being ranged itself is ninjas.