Hey everybody! It's me Snow_King with a suggestion for the increasingly rampent numbers of pike and long-spear users.
I know that many people on c-rpg battles are starting to use a longspear or pike to support their teammates, but when you corner a pikeman 1 vs 1 it is pretty hard for him to defend himself with that big, unweildly pike.
What you need to do is to arrange your gear like this.
Pike (3 slots)
Elite Cavalry Shield (1 slot)
Sickle (0 slots)
Now, I know what many of you may be thinking at this point.
"Why on Earth would I, a respectable crpg member, use a sickle? I wouldn't want to be caught dead with that piece of peasant junk!"
However, the sickle isn't really that bad when you pair it with a good shield, and it is a vast improvement over trying to fight someone with a pike at close range.
"I'm going to drop my pike when I switch to my sickle! What happens then?"
Well, crybaby, here is what happens. Pick it up again!
With the greatly increased popularety of the pike in recent days, this change will greatly improce their solo fighting abilities, as they are currently limeted to a support troop helping their 1-h and 2-h teammates, and chancing upon a kill every now and then.
*Let the sickle haters begin their replys.*