Author Topic: Attacked by some bandits from FIDLGB (Horseman needed, all welcome)  (Read 809 times)

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These guys are nuts, they are just like the Bandits on EU but they are on the NA side, they will attack people with no reason so they are just like raiders, thats why i should have hide in EU from now on. If you would like to join the good side apply for my battle, the bad side apply for their battle

Okay, back to the topic ,  feel free to sign up if you are horseman. (1 handed Cav or Lancer are welcome), Infantry are welcome too but we have formations since we have little numbers,  Resources for HA are very short We had tons of horses and lots of gears to use so feel free to use any of them. This fight will probably be in NA so all kind of horse players are welcome. Sign up if you will like, this battle might be fun or not but we will see. Once you have sign up i will given equipment details and stuff. This is the first time ever i got attacked by someone, I was very very very unlucky, i check strategus very often and just didn't saw this crazy dude coming...oh well...this battle really nearly make me to respec into a normal lancer. My build is insane at the can tell what build i have on my name on the roster. I never got attacked in EU lands but in NA it seems it is much more dangerous than i thought, i might as well hide in EU land back then...If i only had around 30+ troops from reinforcement we will probably won lol.

Battle link :!?page=battledetail&id=2353
Where battle take place :  Near Radoghir Castle

This battle is gonna be epic...

P.S: It 's not funny when you lose all your stuff to bandits (Takes few months to craft these), well I guess NA is not a good place to stay in strategus....
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 11:41:34 am by AlexTheDragon »

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Re: Attacked by some bandits from FIDLGB (Horseman needed, all welcome)
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 03:04:14 am »
Good luck tomorrow man.

P.S: It 's not funny when you lose all your stuff to bandits (Takes few months to craft these), well I guess NA is not a good place to stay in strategus....

I've spent time building up my forces too. I just want to have fun. Just that. It's not an attack on your faction personally or anything of that nature, as I'm not part of any allies so I don't really have a ton of backup. Isn't the game meant to be played to have fun?
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Rhalzo's already in Chaos' cooler older brother clan, he's fine riding his motorcycle around in a leather jacket smoking cigarettes with GIRLS, our little treehouse isn't his speed anymore.

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Re: Attacked by some bandits from FIDLGB (Horseman needed, all welcome)
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 03:50:28 pm »
Good luck tomorrow man.

I've spent time building up my forces too. I just want to have fun. Just that. It's not an attack on your faction personally or anything of that nature, as I'm not part of any allies so I don't really have a ton of backup. Isn't the game meant to be played to have fun?
I tried to get extra troops to Alex (with a promise of large payment if I could make it, I didn't btw), however, I do disagree with Alex on him thinking it's wrong to raid, sure if I was him I'd be pissed at you, but I see your point of view... (once I get a big enough army up I wanna be raiding randoms too  :mrgreen: ) (btw: Fuck it dude lets go bowling is a nice clan name)
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.