Author Topic: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat  (Read 1916 times)

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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2012, 08:31:24 pm »
Interesting ideas, but I don't like the idea of limiting a faction to the number of classes, besides maybe "KING" or something.  :P

That's not the right way to punish large factions, IMO.  Unless, you only have positions for like Trader General, ETC, and each faction may only have one - everybody else gets to be a Peasant/Commoner.  That would benefit more smaller alliances, but probably not enough to scare people away from having one big alliance.

I guess what I'm saying is I like the current strat situation but think that it could use a faster pace, and add an incentive to fight all the time.

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 08:33:03 pm by RibaldRon »
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2012, 09:21:51 pm »
Its about make a fair play. You were ecnouraged to write this post by getting your ass kicked. From this point you see that Druzhina are good guys who help developing strategus.

Kazak, you all never even fought against KUTT so please stop pulling lines out of your ass to try and insult people with. Druzhina had a great tactic -- Jerk off your allies, craft a shit load of items, not get involved in any strategus conflicts until they've made a huge army, and then go interrupt a war to flex our muscle.

Great tactic.

This is a Suggestion being made by Crazyi as a way to spice up Strategus gameplay and make it more fun for the average player, not a means to say "Oh man, DRZ whomped our asses, we need to change this to benefit us." We get it. You guys won against Chaos. Wooooooooooopty Dooooooooooooooo. Who gives a shit? We're over that, now it's about preparing ideas for the next season of Strategus as you have seen is a popular topic amongst this board.

Grow up, and keep your mouth shut.
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2012, 09:38:04 pm »
I think the classes are a good idea, and they should DEFINITELY be limited as described in the original post. If they arent limited the whole dynamic (small clans being able to compete with big ones) doesnt even work i don't know why people are suggesting to not limit it. I still want a solution to actually even up the numbers of players in a faction. In this strat there where times where we (hospitaller) would fight a faction like KUTT that had almost no peple in it at the time but they still had mangaed to build an army. We would fight them and it didnt feel like we where fighting Kutt, because almost everyone in their army was still in Chaos, it was the same thing as just fighting another Chaos army, for the 15th time. I may be mistaken but i believe in some of these cases Chaos even lead the armies of their allies too.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 09:40:09 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2012, 09:51:45 pm »
So the teams dont always feel the same just reduce the number allowed in each battle on one team. As it stands right now you just kind of have to take what you can get to fill the roster. Could potentially help with the mega alliance as they are going to have to bench more people, and those members could grow restless.

Oh I do think this would encourage faster play  because it allows you to shift production and recruitment. So if you get knocked down pretty hard, ramp up production, then send the generals out to recruit once you have items to field the army.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 10:30:59 pm by Crazyi »

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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2012, 06:42:30 am »
Maybe as an idea for the battles side of things it would be cool to reduce the number of troops required for a battle in the case of KUTT us being a smaller clan only having about maybe 10 "active" members at any given time. You could have Faction on Faction fights but fewer people are needed for the battle. But to combat the sheer size of armies that sometimes could occur from such small match up you could increase the ticket cost for someone dying that that way you aren't tied up in a 4 hour strat battle with only 30 people playing. On top of that something to spice the battles up so it's not just a "line up, slugfest, back off and repeat" for 45 mins to an hour add some control points to the maps  to give people something to fight over. Whether that be equipment or points of interest that take attrition on your ticket counts I.E. a fresh water supply or a tactical hill top. Of course this is slipping into the realm of heavy RPG influence and what I like about the game is the "nakedness" of it, just people slugging it out on a field of battle. But I would like to see the ability to utilize siege engines more often with less headaches involved (trust me I have seen a catapult being put together and operated it was painfully slow). Anything like that would make it something more to spice up a battle. Hell even a revised version of master of the field might make things more interesting. But just some ideas to throw out there.
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2012, 08:32:23 am »
I think it would be easier to code and better to find a way to get the vast majority of people that don't actually play Strat off the map.

Here's what I suggest

Allow people to be able to either build a "Workshop" or a "Smithy" in whatever fief they are in.

Basic Details
- Building either will remove your char from the Strat Map
- They cost nothing to build but you will lose any troops you have and your equipment will be cashed in for gold
- Any gold you have will be automatically transferred to your cRPG char at 10 times the amount
- Any gold you make from your Workshop/Smithy goes straight to your cRPG char at 10 times the amount
- Fief efficiencies will still exist but instead they will determine what % of the gold goes to the cRPG char.  70% efficiency means you only get 70% of the gold
- You can demolish your Smithie/Workshop whenever you want but will reappear on the map with nothing.

Workshop Details
- Building a workshop makes you a goods crafter and you craft 1 good per hour as normal
- Any goods you craft go onto your fief's marketplace at the fief's goods price where they can be bought by anybody
- The older goods will be sold first
- The money from the goods will go straight to the workshop owner's cRPG char
- Goods crafting will no longer get a 50% discount
- This represents between 1440 and 6240 cRPG gold per day so long as the goods are bought
- Prosperity in fiefs will be linked to the number of goods sold in that fief.  More goods sold = higher prices
- To prevent people buying up all the goods in a fief, the current soft cap on carrying goods will be turned into a hard cap.  So 50 troops can carry 150 goods max.  50 troops with horses can carry 300 goods max.

Smithy Details
- Building a Smithie turns you into an equipment crafter
- Any items on a Fief's buy menu that can be crafted by Smith in that fief will be replaced and so will be available for anybody to buy at the Smith's crafting price
- For example, I can craft Studded Leather Coats for 24 gold.  If I build a Smith in a fief then the base price for Studded Leather Coats (72.42 gold) will be visibly crossed out on the fief's buy menu and will be replaced by my price of 24 gold.
- If 2 Smiths can craft the same item, the highest skilled char will be used
- This can represent a lot of cRPG gold as a windfall, but the liklihood is that it will not be a consistent income
- I strongly suggest replacing the current ATHW system with a time based decay to go with this idea to ensure that new people get chance to set up as Smiths once the older people's skills have decayed.  A 10% decay per week should do.

Overall impact
- Goods and equipment crafting becomes a global affair instead of being clan based.  This levels the playing field and helps smaller clans compete.
- People are encouraged to becomes goods or equipment crafters due to the cRPG financial gains but to make the best profits you will need to be clever and set up in the right places
- The goods and equipment crafters will still be able to help their clans though on rosters and can set up in fiefs that help their clans out the most.
- The people left on Strat are the ones who really want to play it as a proper game but they will no longer provide a gauranteed economic boost to their clan without acticely trading or raiding.
- The removal of the 50% goods crafting discount adds a greater importance to buying goods in the right place instead of all the importance being on selling them in the right place.  Buy high and you limit yourself to 125 gold profit, buy low and you do not have to travel as far to get that profit and if you do travel further you can make upto 145 gold pre good.  Currently the figures are 137 and 147 gold profit which is very little difference.

Unfortunately creating masses of c-rpg gold will cause huge inflation in the market and destroy the upkeep system once and for all.

I do however advocate for stuff like this to be added. What I was really hoping for is stuff like faction halls, that give members of your faction a boost to crafting/recruiting/or a greater discount. But I'm not sure about such tight controls on what you can and can't do. Also the gear crafting thing would really kill it.

As far as changing ATHW I'm all for that, but I don't believe we should put in a degradation system that will wipe peoples skills points when they go on holidays or take a break. I think a much fairer system would be to have it degrade as you improve other crafting.

The solution I came up with is that in a menu similar to the one where you loom items you select 4 items you own. By having them selected they can not degrade as you play. When you play and use the 4 selected items you gain "xp" in the item. As you gain "xp" you level your crafting up, I don't know what kind of curve to use, I think it should be linear. Possibly based on x4/5 ticks, 1 tick = 1 xp, 1 skill point = 30 xp (I pulled those numbers out of my arse so please concentrate on the idea not the numbers cheers).

Maybe as an idea for the battles side of things it would be cool to reduce the number of troops required for a battle in the case of KUTT us being a smaller clan only having about maybe 10 "active" members at any given time. You could have Faction on Faction fights but fewer people are needed for the battle. But to combat the sheer size of armies that sometimes could occur from such small match up you could increase the ticket cost for someone dying that that way you aren't tied up in a 4 hour strat battle with only 30 people playing. On top of that something to spice the battles up so it's not just a "line up, slugfest, back off and repeat" for 45 mins to an hour add some control points to the maps  to give people something to fight over. Whether that be equipment or points of interest that take attrition on your ticket counts I.E. a fresh water supply or a tactical hill top. Of course this is slipping into the realm of heavy RPG influence and what I like about the game is the "nakedness" of it, just people slugging it out on a field of battle. But I would like to see the ability to utilize siege engines more often with less headaches involved (trust me I have seen a catapult being put together and operated it was painfully slow). Anything like that would make it something more to spice up a battle. Hell even a revised version of master of the field might make things more interesting. But just some ideas to throw out there.

They had the ticket thing in the last strat, kind of back fired a bit. I think the slug fest is kind of unavoidable. The only way it doesn't happen is if one side is superior/inferior in some respect. As tactics advance and team play keeps improving it will get a bit more slam them all the way to their spawn and take it kind of thingish.

For instance! having a clan use a strat build.

18/18 6 shield wpf in pole arm and xbow. If you have a whole unit of guys like this, as people get beat up they could drop back and swap gear with a pike men or xbow player with out having to just hold on for dear life at the shield wall. Which could allow a well organized unit to make huge ground... maybe (or it could go horribly wrong, i don't know, I'm crazy.)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 09:05:36 am by FRANK_THE_TANK »
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2012, 06:13:11 pm »
Yeah i can see how the ticket system can be subject to abuse and it's tricky to work around I know Battlefield has had a really good ticket system in the works for years so I would take a page from their books. I think it's funny you mention the x-bow hybrid build because Xeen has told me before KUTT ever got big they used to be extremely effective in a tight squad as 2 Pike and 3 or 4 x-bow hybrid builds. The problem is that the cost of respecing for just a strat battle is completely retarded and unless you always have a team a hybrid build would leave you vulnerable to the more predominate focused builds. It's hard to split what you want to do in strat with what you enjoy in c-rpg. Which leads to one of my major griefs with the way the "main" and "alternates" system is set up at this point, it's incredibly restrictive for an "open" game. But now we are breaching into semantics' territory and the debate could rage forever, although I know several people are probably very dissatisfied with the whole main and alts thing.   
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Re: Strat Classes - Idea to Improve Strat
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2012, 07:12:01 pm »
For a "strategy" game you should be able to tailor your army specifically for an upcomming battle versus being forced to play your current cRPG build. The games are both very different, one being more individualistic and one being 100% team oriented. I think it would spice the battles up a lot if the clans could tailor their army. Would have true regiments versus a wierd mix of people that you try to make things work. The idea also plays into the system being talked about in this post, being able to change production and recruitment. A way it could be implemented is have set builds for shielders, pikemen, archers, calvary etc. If you equip a sword and shield, you become a shielder for that ticket. A horse, obviously a calv. I don't know how difficult this would be to code though.... but it is another idea. The easiest way would obviously be to just let them make a strategus specific character, everyone is level 30(or even 34), that way the soldier bodies are more consistent too between armies atleast stat wise.