The thing I don't like about Mauls (this is fairly short) is their animations.
Yeah bare with me, ha..ha.. I use a Pike. But the Maul's problem is this; When a mauler swings, and their animation PASSES by you and STRIKES the ground, the Maul-user can wiggle and face you and has about a half second window to do that to where he can still make the maul's hitbox connect.
To reiterate, while the Maul visibly has touched the ground, its hitbox lingers and is still controllable by the user despite the appearance of it having already passed and you are in the clear.
Don't get me wrong, maul is no easy tool to use, and I know this is a fix that can't happen--but as a Pikeman who can't chamber the maul, and certainly isn't ballsy enough to play the formula game of blocking it...this gets very frustrating when you think you're just a foot or two outside their reach and their animation shows it then BOOOM. You got caught even though it wasn't visibly (anywhere close sometimes) so.
Call it ghost-reach...but I think it's a fail in the actual movement of the hitbox. And maulers such as simple (aka Mr. Satan) have agreed with me in this respect.